2009年5月29日 星期五
2009年5月26日 星期二
2009年5月25日 星期一
How to enable the half-open TCP connections limit
It is time to retire for me!
Full article in Microsoft.com
How to enable the half-open TCP connections limit in Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 and in Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2
By default, the half-open TCP connections limit is disabled in Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and in Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (SP2). This article describes how to impose the half-open TCP connections limit in Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and in Windows Vista with SP2. The limit is ten connections.
Note In Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1), the system allows for a maximum of ten half-open TCP connections at any time.
How to enable the half-open TCP connections limit
Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
To enable the half-open TCP connections limit in Windows Server 2008 with SP2 or in Windows Vista with SP2, set the value of the EnableConnectionRateLimiting DWORD registry entry to 1 (0x00000001).
To do this, follow these steps:
1) Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then click regedit.exe in the Programs list.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click Continue.
2) Locate and then double-click the following registry key:
3) In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
4) Exit Registry Editor.
5) Restart the computer.
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Wireless 上網不再LAG
windows xp 用戶可用下列軟件幫忙
Wireless Zeor Shutdown(Free software)
windows Vista 用戶可用下列軟件幫忙
Vista Anti-Lag(Free Software)
RSAT for Windows 7 Release Candidate (Windows 7 RC遠端管理Hyper-V)
5月份釋出Windows 7 RC版,Hyper-V管理工具也一並釋出更新,趕快安裝來管理Hyper-V吧。
Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC)
2009年5月22日 星期五
ACDSee 取代方案
2009年5月20日 星期三
原因: 终端服务器可能找不到许可证服务器。
解决方案: 请执行以下步骤:
3.通过确保在每一台计算机上正确配置了域名系统 (DNS),验证客户端、终端服务器和许可证服务器可以通讯。要完成上述操作,请在每台计算机上使用 IP 地址、FQDN 和 NetBIOS 名称分别针对其他两台计算机运行 ping 命令。如果任何 ping 命令失败,请验证网络上的 DNS 配置。
4.在终端服务器上,设置一个要连接到的首选授权服务器。通过如下方法可完成该操作:使用注册表、WMI 脚本,或者在带有 Service Pack 1 的 Windows Server 2003 中,使用组策略设置或终端服务器配置。
另请参阅: 安装终端服务器授权;设置首选终端服务器许可证服务器;终端服务器许可证服务器角色
解决方案: 如果上一个解决方案不能解决此问题,请在客户端上创建一个 MSLicensing 注册表项及其子项的备份,然后执行下列操作删除原始项和子项:
2.单击 MSLicensing。
4.在“文件名”框中,键入 mslicensingbackup,然后单击“保存”。
如果以后需要还原此注册表项,请双击 mslicensingbackup.reg。
5.在“编辑”菜单上,单击“删除”,然后单击“是”确认删除 MSLicensing 注册表子项。
Restricting outbound email with Exchange Server 2007 Transport Rules
This scenario is called Ethical Wall, because we can protect the message flow between users and groups based on transport rules
To create our first rule, we will need to click on Hub Transport expanding the Organization Configuration node in the left pane of the Exchange Management Console, then click on the Transport Rules Tab and finally clicking on New Transport Rule on the Action Pane, as can be seen in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2: Creating a transport rule on the Exchange Management Console
In the New Transport Rule Wizard, we should fill out the Name and Description and make sure that ‘Enable Rule’ is selected. After that click Next. (Figure 3)
Figure 3: Wizard welcome screen to create transport rules
Conditions: We can define from who or to a message is going, based on string or message fields or some address inside the fields (To:, From: or Cc). In this example mark From People and you can see in Step 2 the construction of the rule, like the Rules and Alerts in Outlook.
During step 2 click on the ‘people’ link to select the users for this rule. (Figure 4)
Figure 4: Conditions – Specifying “from people” on the transport rule
In the new window, we can choose the users that will be affected by this rule, click Add, select user(s) and click OK. The result is shown in the figure below, Figure 5.
Figure 5: Selection of users in the “From People” condition
We’ve just selected the user Anderson Patricio in the “from people” condition. After that, we will need to tick “sent to people” and select the “target” user for this rule. In this case, we will choose John Rodas and select him as we did in the previous example. (Figure 6)
When we have more than one item ticked in conditions, we have a logical 'AND', so it means that the transport rule will be processed only if all the conditions are valid. If not, the rule will not be executed.
Figure 6: Conditions - Our condition has been established
In the New Transport Rule Wizard page, tick “send bounce message to sender” as shown in Figure 7. With this option selected, when a user (in this example, Anderson Patricio) sends a message to the selected user (in this example John Rodas), the sender (Anderson) will receive a predefined bounce message. (Figure 8)
Figure 7: Actions - Defining an Action to conditions specified before
To customize the message that will be displayed in the return message, we will need to click the link “Delivery not authorized, message refused” in Step 2 and then customize the content for the bounce message. (Figure 8)
Figure 8: Editing the text of action “send bounce message to sender”
Now, we have completed the Conditions and Actions; it can be reviewed in Figure 9.
Figure 9: The conditions and actions phases have been done, click Next
Exceptions: In this case all messages from Anderson Patricio to John Rodas will be blocked, except those e-mail messages including the words Personal and Life in the subject. To do so, tick “except if with specific words in the subject” and then click on the link in Step 2 and add your exception words on the next screen. After that, we can see the result of configured Exception (Figure 10).
Figure 10: Exceptions – Defining the exceptions in the Transport Rule
On this page, we can review the configured options in the wizard, as shown in Figure 11. We must click Create.
Figure 11: Configuration Summary on New Transport Rule Wizard
The below shows the final screenshot for the rule creation wizard using a cmdlet. With a cmdlet we can create the same rule using the Windows PowerShell Console or a wsh administrative script. Click Finish. (Figure 12)
Figure 12: Final screen showing the cmdlet used to create this rule.
After clicking on the Finish button, the rules will show up on the Exchange Management Console.
We can select the rule and all the possible actions are also enabled in Action Panel. There are now some actions to assign to this rule: Disable rule, Edit and Remove. (Figure 13)
Figure 13: Visualizing the created rule
Ok, it’s done! Now we will see the résumé of our transport rule:
Blocking suspicious messages from Anderson Patricio to John Rodas
From Anderson Patricio AND To John Rodas
Send bounce message
except if word personal or life in subject
Let’s test the configured rule!
The first test is to send an email from Anderson Patricio to John Rodas (Figure 14).
Figure 14: User Anderson Patricio is writing to John Rodas about some important information
Our rule will block this kind of email message, and the sender (Anderson Patricio) will get a pre-defined action “set bounce message to sender” (Figure 15). If the sender receives the message below, our Condition and Action configuration is working.
Figure 15: Sender receives the message with the Action of the rule. Pay attention to the message, it has our modification (by MsExchange.org administrator)
The second test is to validate the rule about exceptions. The sender (Anderson Patricio) is going to send another e-mail message but it will have the word Personal in the subject of the message. (Figure 16)
Figure 16: Sending a message to validate Exception
This email has an allowed word in the subject, so the receiver (John Rodas) got the message. We can now validate all the phases of the rule (Conditions, Actions and Exceptions). (Figure 17)
Figure 17: The allowed message is received by user
2009年5月15日 星期五
step 2 : 將檔案儲存成[顯示桌面](英文的叫Show Desktop.scf)
2009年5月12日 星期二
WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) Version Bypass Crack
2009年5月11日 星期一
2009年5月8日 星期五
2009年5月7日 星期四
可延伸計數器的資訊儲存在兩個下列位置中:- 下列的登錄機碼:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Perflib\009
- %systemroot%\System32\Perfc009.dat 檔案,%systemroot%\System32\Perfh009.dat 檔案。
- 展開 [ Perfc009.dat 檔案及 Perfh009 檔案。 這些檔案位於 Windows 安裝光碟中。 找不到在 DriveLetter,壓縮的檔案: \i386\perfc009.da_ 和 DriveLetter: \i386\perfh009.da_。 取代 %systemroot %\ System32 資料夾中的檔案。
- 啟動 [登錄編輯程式,],並在登錄中找出下列機碼:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib
- 在登錄、 1846 (十進位) 的 LastCounter 值的變更以及變更的 LastHelp 值 1847 (十進位)。
- 找出下列登錄機碼搜尋服務已在 Performance 子機碼:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
- (如果它們存在),請從 Performance 子機碼移除下列值:
- FirstCounter
- FirstHelp
- LastCounter
- LastHelp
請注意 移除登錄中的 Performance 子機碼的值可能會造成任何已安裝.NET Framework 應用程式不使用它們啟動下一次。 如果發生這種情況使用 Lodctr / R "Re-add 可延伸計數器 」 區段中要重建效能計數器的命令。 如果繼續遇到問題,當您啟動.NET Framework 應用程式則請參閱本文中的 [重新安裝任何自訂的.NET Framework 組件的效能計數器] 一節。
您必須重新加入可延伸計數器從服務的清單。 開始您自訂之前,您必須識別.ini 檔案,用於載入計數器:- 開啟命令提示字元視窗。
- 在命令提示字元,輸入 cd %Systemroot %\ System32 ,並按下 ENTER。
- 在命令提示字元,輸入 findstr drivername *.ini ,並按下 ENTER。
- 請注意在清單中每個 drivername.ini 檔案的名稱。
- 在命令提示字元中,請輸入下列行,並按下 ENTER]: Lodctr inifile其中 inifile 會是您要重新載入驅動程式.ini 檔案的名稱。
例如,如果要重新載入 ASP 驅動程式您在步驟 4 中所記下的清單顯示 Axperf.ini 是 ASP 驅動程式 (axperf.ini:drivername=ASP).ini 檔。 因此,重新載入 ASP 驅動程式,在命令提示字元中, 輸入 lodctr axperf.ini 並按下 ENTER。 - 對清單中的每一個.ini 檔案重複步驟 5。
- 重新啟動您的電腦。
Windows Server 2003 會重建所有計數器,因為它讀取所有.ini 檔案在 C:\Windows\inf\009 資料夾中,英文的作業系統。
- 如果您執行一個叢集] 或 [Datacenter 產品,您必須將其失敗節點,以重新整理計數器清單上。 您在執行步驟,在 「 重新可延伸計數器 「 基底計數器] 和 [可延伸計數器之後,您必須執行這。
- 執 行新增自己的效能計數器,例如 Microsoft Exchange] 或 [SQL Server 中,應用程式的系統上,.ini 檔案用來載入效能計數器可能不是位於 %Systemroot%\System32。 應用程式的資料夾結構下,通常可以找到這些.ini 檔案。
- 如 果當您使用先前的步驟時,您就會收到錯誤訊息有關的效能程式庫,您可能必須卸載和重新載入 IIS 效能的動態連結程式庫 (DLL)。 如何執行這項操作的相關資訊,請按一下 [下列的文件編號,檢視 「 Microsoft 知識庫 」 中的文件]: 267831 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/267831/ ) 當載入效能計數器時,記錄的事件識別碼 2003 警告訊息
- 如果您仍然遇到問題,當您啟動.NET Framework 應用程式時,請參閱 [重新安裝任何自訂的.NET Framework 組件的效能計數器] 一節。
重新安裝任何自訂的.NET Framework 組件的效能計數器
如果繼續執行,此處所列的程序後,您會啟動.NET Framework 應用程式時有問題,必須重新建立自訂的.NET Framework 應用程式的效能計數器。 如果要執行這項操作,使用,「 / i".NET Framework 安裝程式工具 (Installutil.exe) 中的選項。 您必須知道檔案名稱,建立效能計數器 DLL 檔案。範例
如果您遵循這些程序從登錄移除 計數器,所有的 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 安裝在系統上安裝的服務,您可能有一個中斷的管理伺服器。 這是因為計數器組態服務、 SDK 服務,和資料庫寫入 INI 檔案中有 「 可延伸的計數器的形式,未提供模組。 而,它們會在安裝時登錄。 因此,當您嘗試啟動 System Center Operations Manager 2007,時,您可能會收到因為效能計數器遺失了類似下列的錯誤訊息:
事件來源: OpsMgr SDK 服務
事件類別: 無
事件識別碼: 26380
Date: date
Time: time
User: N/A
電腦: MOM
描述: 「 System Center Operations Manager SDK 服務失敗,因為未處理的例外狀況。
- Microsoft.Mom.ConfigService.dll
- Microsoft.Mom.Sdk.ServiceDataLayer.dll
- Microsoft.Mom.DatabaseWriteModules.dll
- Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.HealthService.Modules.DataWarehouse.dll
InstallUtil / i Microsoft.Mom.Sdk.ServiceDataLayer.dll
InstallUtil / i Microsoft.Mom.DatabaseWriteModules.dll
InstallUtil / i Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.HealthService.Modules.DataWarehouse.dll
Welcome to the UBCD4Win.com
What is the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows?
UBCD4Win is a bootable recovery CD that contains software used for repairing, restoring, or diagnosing almost any computer problem. Our goal is to be the most complete and easy to use free computer diagnostic tool. Almost all software included in UBCD4Win are freeware utilities for Windows®. Some of the tools inlcuded are "free for personal use" copies so users need to respect these licenses. A few of the tools included in UBCD4Win are paid for and licensed software owned by UBCD4win. On occasion we work with software companies/authors for permission to include their software in our download or have requested their software better support PE. Users can freely share copies of UBCD4Win with friends but selling UBCD4Win for a profit is not acceptable. We have worked hard for many years helping people for free with this project, others should not make money from our hard work. If you are a dialup user having a hard time downloading UBCD4Win, please visit our ordering page. UBCD4Win is based on Bart's PE©. Bart's PE© builds a Windows® "pre-install" environment CD, basically a simple Windows® XP booted from CD. UBCD4Win includes network support and allows you the ability to modify NTFS volumes, recover deleted files, create new NTFS volumes, scan hard drives for viruses, etc. Our download includes almost everything you need to repair your system problems. This project has been put together to be the ultimate recovery cd and not a replacement OS (Operating System). Please visit the "List of Tools" page for a complete list of what is included in the latest version of UBCD4Win.
UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads
Installation & Screenshots
- If using Windows, run the file, select a distribution, floppy/hard disk image, or kernel/initrd to load, select a target drive (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot once done.
- If using Linux, make the file executable (using either the command
chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux
, or going to Properties->Permissions and checking "Execute"), then start the application, you will be prompted for your password to grant the application administrative rights, then the main dialog will appear, where you select a distribution and install target (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot when prompted. - After rebooting, if you created a Live USB drive by selecting "USB Drive" as your install target, press the appropriate button (usually F1, F2, F12, ESC, or backspace) while your computer is starting up to get to your BIOS boot menu and select USB drive as the startup target; otherwise if there's no boot selection option, go to the BIOS setup menu and change the startup order to boot USB by default. Otherwise, if you did a "frugal install" by selecting "Hard Disk" as your install target, select the UNetbootin entry from the Windows Boot Menu as the system boots up.
» See Live USB Creation Guide.
Removal Instructions (Applicable only to Hard Disk / "frugal installs")
If using Windows, UNetbootin should prompt you to remove it the next time you boot into Windows. Alternatively, you can remove it via Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
If using Linux, re-run the UNetbootin executable (with root priveledges), and press OK when prompted to uninstall.
Removal is only required if you used the "Hard Drive" installation mode; to remove the bootloader from a USB drive, back up its contents and reformat it.
Uninstalling UNetbootin simply removes the UNetbootin entry from your boot menu; if you installed an operating system to a partition using UNetbootin, removing UNetbootin will not remove the OS.
To manually remove a Linux installation, you will have to restore the Windows bootloader using "fixmbr" from a recovery CD, and use Parted Magic to delete the Linux partition and expand the Windows partition.
Installing Other Distributions Using UNetbootin
Download and run UNetbootin, then supply it with the appropriate ISO (CD image) file, floppy/hard disk image, or kernel and initrd files when prompted (see screenshot). Check your distribution's download page to find the appropriate file; if in doubt use the ISO file.
2009年5月6日 星期三