2009年10月29日 星期四

Software 用相片製作Video(Photofilmstrip)

PhotoFilmStrip creates movies out of your pictures in just 3 steps. First select your photos, customize the motion path and render the video. There are several output possibilities for VCD, SVCD, DVD up to FULL-HD.

2009年10月27日 星期二

Software Driver Sweeper beta 2.0.0 ATI顯示卡Driver出問題

Driver Sweeper beta 2.0.0
On this page you can download Driver Sweeper beta 2.0.0.

Version: 2.0.0 beta
Publisher: Phyxion
Date added: 2009-02-18 01:18:09
File Size: 4 MB
OS Support: Windows XP | Vista
License: Freeware
Downloads: 38521 downloads
Software type: Generic Utilities

Scan Computer for driver updates
You are here: Guru3D.com » downloads » category selection » Driver Sweeper beta 2.0.0
Software Description
Guru3D - Driver Sweeper is a fast tool to remove driver leftovers from your system. It's very important to remove your drivers on a proper way, because driver leftovers can cause problems like stability and startup problems. You can use it if you want to update/remove drivers from your system.

Driver Sweeper 2.0.0 Beta 2 is now available for download. Driver Sweeper is very easy to use. You only have to select the drivers you want to clean. The best way to clean drivers is to first uninstall the drivers using the official uninstallers, reboot in Safe Mode and run
Driver Sweeper. However, rebooting and not going into Safe Mode also works, but can cause some files not to be cleaned.

The current supported drivers are NVIDIA (Display and Chipset), ATI (Display), Creative (Sound), Ageia (PhysX), MMouse and Realtek (Sound).

All the settings are saved in an ini file. Nothing is created in the registry, so it's possible to use it as a portable program. Log files can be saved to the harddisk and viewed as well. You can find the logs under the Tools menu.

This is a beta release, any comments ? Please visit the Driver Sweeper support forums.
Changelog 2.0.0 - Beta 2:


  • Added select/deselect in clean screen.
  • Added Bulgarian translation.
  • Added Czech translation.
  • Added Danish translation.
  • Added Finnish translation.
  • Added French translation.
  • Added German translation.
  • Added Japanese translation.
  • Added Korean translation.
  • Added Lithuania translation.
  • Added Russian translation.
  • Added Spanish translation.
  • Added Swedish translation.
  • Added Traditional Chinese translation.
  • Added Ukrainian translation.

2009年10月26日 星期一

Windows Server 2008 在Server Core模式下安装和管理Hyper-V

如何在Server Core模式下安装Hyper-V,安装分两步:

1. 首先需要在Server Core使用bcdedit更改启动的配置,运行以下的命令:
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
注意:如果以前没有配置过这个设置,当运行以上的命令后,Server Core需要重新启动。

2. 然后请您使用以下的命令来安装Hyper-V
start /w OCSetup Microsoft-Hyper-V
等命令结束的时候,重新启动这台Server Core来完成安装, Hyper-V需要重新启动才能完成安装。然后使用oclist命令来查看是不是Hyper-V这个角色已经被安装好了。

因为Hyper-V无法在命令行下面进行虚拟机的创建和管理。所以在Server Core服务器中安装完Hyper-V后,需要用另外的一台装有Hyper-V管理界面的Windows 2008服务器或者是有装好Hyper-V Manager的Vista SP1的机器来创建和管理虚拟机。

如何能够让外面服务器管理Hyper-V,需要在Server Core上做一些额外的操作。
a. 使用以下的命令在Server Core上启用远程管理,:
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Administration" new enable=yes

cscript \windows\system32\scregedit.wsf /ar 0

cscript \windows\system32\scregedit.wsf /cs 0

c. 用以下的命令来重新启动Server Core机器让这些配置生效
shutdown /t 0 /r

以下是一些在Server Core模式下安装Hyper-V的资料供参考:
Hyper-V on Server Core

How to add the Hyper-V role to a Windows Server 2008 Server Core machine http://blogs.technet.com/jhoward/archive/2008/03/30/how-to-add-the-hyper-v-role-to-a-windows-server-2008-server-core-machine.aspx

Windows Server 2003 使用指令模式(netdom.exe)修改電腦名稱


要使用指令模式必需先要有一個小程式 netdom.exe
這個小程式微軟放在Windows XP Professional CD-ROM 上的 [Support\Tools] 資料夾中安裝 Windows XP「支援工具」
資料來源:如何使用 Netdom.exe 公用程式來重新命名電腦
Netdom.exe 公用程式可以重新命名屬於 Windows XP 網域成員的電腦。然而,若要重新命名電腦,您必須要能指定具有本機系統管理權限的使用者帳戶,以及 Active Directory 中的電腦帳戶物件。
  1. 請從 Windows XP Professional CD-ROM 上的 [Support\Tools] 資料夾中安裝 Windows XP「支援工具」。
  2. 在命令提示字元下,輸入下面命令。注意:下面命令列已經折成好幾行,以方便您閱讀。請以單一行來輸入此命令。netdom renamecomputer machine /newname:new_computername /userd:domainname\administrator_id /passwordd:* /usero:local_admin
    /passwordo:* /reboot:seconds before automatic reboot
    Machine 是電腦目前的名稱。
    New_computername 是電腦的新名稱。
    Domainname\administrator_id 是網路基本輸入/輸出系統 (NetBIOS) 的網域名稱,以及對網域中的電腦物件具有系統管理權限的使用者帳戶的系統管理員識別碼 (ID)。
    Local_admin 是具有本機系統管理權限的使用者,有可能和 /userd: 所指定的帳戶相同。
    星號 (*) 是和 /passwordd:/passwordo: 參數連在一起用的值,是用來指定當命令傳送出去時密碼應該要以隱藏的字元來輸入。
    Time before automatic reboot in seconds 是重新命名電腦後,電腦在重新啟動前所需的時間。如果沒有指定此參數,您就必須手動重新啟動電腦。
例如,有一部稱為「Mycomputer」的工作站,是「Mydomain」網域的成員。您想要將此工作站的名稱改為「Yourcomputer」,然後在 60 秒之後自動重新啟動此工作站。您可以使用下面命令。
netdom renamecomputer mycomputer /newname:yourcomputer
/userD:mydomain\administrator /passwordd:*
/usero:administrator /passwordo:* /reboot:60
This operation will rename the computer "Mycomputer" to "Yourcomputer".Certain services, such as certification authority, rely on a fixed computer name.If any services of this type are running on "Mycomputer", a computer name change would have an adverse impact. (此操作程序會將「Mycomputer」電腦重新命名為「Yourcomputer」。某些服務,例如憑證授權,是要依靠固定的電腦名稱,如果 「Mycomputer」上正在執行任何這類服務,變更電腦名稱會造成不利的影響。)
如果您不想收到是否要繼續進行的提示,當您輸入 netdom 命令時,除了其他參數之外,請另外加上 /force 參數。

Windows Server 2008 Domain Join with netdom.exe

The following command will join the NET-IIS-01 workload into the Networknet.nl forest domain.

  1. netdom.exe join NET-IIS-01 /domain:Networknet.nl /userD:administrator /passwordD:*

Enter the Administrator password and after the netdom has finished reboot the server with shutdown.exe /r /t5.
Windows Server 2008 Core Domain Join

2009年10月19日 星期一

Software: Win7 加入RamDisk

Ramdisk Screenshot
  • Speed up Internet page load times
  • Control what files and programs are stored into memory (loaded at boot time)
  • Create temporary disks for added security
  • Speed up disk-to-disk activities such as video encryption and audio ripping
  • Accelerate databases
  • Reduce compile times

RAMDisk features:

  • Freeware version (up to 4 GB disk size). Please contact Dataram if you require a larger disk.
  • Universal version for WindowsXP/2000, Vista (32 and 64-bit) Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Ultimate, Windows Server 2003 Standard, Web and Enterprise Edition
  • Up to 32 GB disk in Vista and Windows 2003, 2008 Server (paid mode)
  • Save and load features allow RAMDisk to appear as persistent storage even through reboots


Is this the right product for me?
RAMDisk is the right product for you if you have a disk I/O bound application that is small enough to fit in main memory. RAMDisk is also great for storing frequently accessed data such as temp files, page files and database index files.
How does it work?
RAMDisk is a kernel-level driver that presents a standard disk drive to the OS, however, it stores and retrieves data from the system RAM on your motherboard instead of an actual, physical disk. Along with the Kernel Driver is a GUI that talks to the driver and allows the user to set various options as well as start and stop the Driver (create or delete a RAMDisk).
The Driver has been written to WDM standards and creates a low-level disk object that Windows Device Manager and Disk Management are able to "see" and manage. You can partition, format, mount a volume, and assign multiple drive letters to RAMDisk (but only if you would know how to do those things with a regular disk, RAMDisk does not do it for you).
How much does RAMDisk speed up my Application?
That varies by application and system, however, you should see a significant performance improvement with applications that are I/O bound and are not fully taxing the CPU or memory.
Is my personal data safe?
Yes! You can stop RAMDisk any time, assuring that all data sent to the RAMDisk during the prior session is instantaneously wiped. Once deleted, there is no way to recover data from RAMDisk.
Can I boot my OS from RAMDisk?
Not really. Since RAMDisk resides in Windows, you can't load Windows from it. However, you can start a second instance of any OS from RAMDisk using VMWare or other Virtual OS tools.
System Requirements
Hardware:Any Intel or AMD-based system with at least 512 MB RAM.
Software:Vista (32- and 64-bit)Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, or Ultimate edition XP/2000XP Home, XP Professional (32-bit), or Windows 2000 (non-server)Server 2003 and 2008 (32- and 64-bit)Standard, Web, or Enterprise Edition
Read the Dataram RAMDisk V3.5 Users Manual 774 kb


Software: 解決虛疑光碟相容問題

Virtual CloneDrive


Virtual CloneDrive works and behaves just like a physical CD/DVD drive, however it exists only virtually. Image files generated with CloneDVD or CloneCD can be mounted onto a virtual drive from your hard-disk or from a network drive and used in the same manner as inserting them into a normal CD/DVD drive.

Probably the best virtual drive software, Virtual CloneDrive allows you to enjoy the freedom of a virtual drive and is completely free.
  • Supports all common image formats such as ISO, BIN, CCD
  • Supports up to 8 virtual drives at the same time
  • Easy to use - just double-click an image file to mount as a drive
  • Virtual CloneDrive is freeware, you may use it at no cost.
System Requirements
  • An IBM-compatible personal computer with a minimum 500 MHz Pentium-class microprocessor (1 GHz recommended) and 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
  • Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/XP64/VISTA/VISTA64
  • If you use Windows 2000 or Windows XP you must be an administrator to install Virtual CloneDrive

Linux: 網路卡設定兩組以上IP的方法


1.先使用ifconfig查看機器本身的IP,查看只有一組eth0lo是本機local lookback,建議不要亂動設定。

IP可以這樣設定,假設網卡第二組IP192.168.1.16,輸入新增指令為 ifconfig eth0:0 up


3.那在輸入ip addr show,可以看到多一組,那這時你可以PING看看


有新增就有刪除,刪除的方式輸入 ip addr delete dev eth0



1.先到網卡設定檔存放的位置,輸入cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

2.必須產生第二組IP的網卡設定檔,所以複製原本的網卡設定檔ifcfg-eth0ifcfg-eth0:0,輸入cp ifcfg-eth0  ifcfg-eth0:0

IP的網路設定檔後,編輯該設定檔,輸入vi ifcfg-eth0:0


service network start

ip addr show,設定皆無消失,這樣代表設定成功。



2009年10月16日 星期五

Easy make current system convert to virtual system(VHD)

Disk2vhd v1.0

By Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell

Published: October 7, 2009
 Download Disk2vhd (704 KB)


Disk2vhd is a utility that creates VHD (Virtual Hard Disk - Microsoft’s Virtual Machine disk format) versions of physical disks for use in Microsoft Virtual PC or Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines (VMs). The difference between Disk2vhd and other physical-to-virtual tools is that you can run Disk2vhd on a system that’s online. Disk2vhd uses Windows’ Volume Snapshot capability, introduced in Windows XP, to create consistent point-in-time snapshots of the volumes you want to include in a conversion. You can even have Disk2vhd create the VHDs on local volumes, even ones being converted (though performance is better when the VHD is on a disk different than ones being converted).
The Disk2vhd user interface lists the volumes present on the system:

It will create one VHD for each disk on which selected volumes reside. It preserves the partitioning information of the disk, but only copies the data contents for volumes on the disk that are selected. This enables you to capture just system volumes and exclude data volumes, for example.
Note: Virtual PC supports a maximum virtual disk size of 127GB. If you create a VHD from a larger disk it will not be accessible from a Virtual PC VM.
To use VHDs produced by Disk2vhd, create a VM with the desired characteristics and add the VHDs to the VM’s configuration as IDE disks. On first boot, a VM booting a captured copy of Windows will detect the VM’s hardware and automatically install drivers, if present in the image. If the required drivers are not present, install them via the Virtual PC or Hyper-V integration components. You can also attach to VHDs using the Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 Disk Management or Diskpart utilities.
Note: do not attach to VHDs on the same system on which you created them if you plan on booting from them. If you do so, Windows will assign the VHD a new disk signature to avoid a collision with the signature of the VHD’s source disk. Windows references disks in the boot configuration database (BCD) by disk signature, so when that happens Windows booted in a VM will fail to locate the boot disk.
Disk2vhd runs Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher, including x64 systems.
Here’s a screenshot of a copy of a Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V system running in a virtual machine on top of the system it was made from:

(click image to zoom)

Download Disk2vhd
(704 KB)

Run Disk2vhd now from Live.Sysinternals.com

Software: Diaplay卡超頻利器

Welcome to the Rivatuner homepage.

Guru3D.com is the official hosting partner for this software. Webmaster, RivaTuner can be only distributed electronically through either Guru3D.com or nvworld.ru
 Distribution though other websites or in any other form without the author's permission is prohibited.
RivaTuner is a complete powerful tweaking environment, providing you everything you may need to tune NVIDIA GPU based display adapters. The widest driver-level Direct3D / OpenGL and system tuning options, flexible profiling system allowing to make custom settings on per-application basis, both driver-level and low-level hardware access modes, unique diagnostic and realtime hardware monitoring features and exclusive power user oriented tools like built-in registry editor and patch script engine make RivaTuner's feature set absolutely unmatched.
RivaTuner supports all NVIDIA display adapters starting from Riva TNT family up to the latest GeForce 7 series and widest range of NVIDIA drivers starting from the oldest Detonator 2.08 up to the newest ForceWare drivers family.

2009年10月15日 星期四

Windows 7:非Ultimate都可以轉語系

1:DOWNLOAD 左你要既語系(c:\downloads\zh-hk\ip.cab)

2:cmd>DSIM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\downloads\zh-hk\

3:bcdedit /set {current} locale zh-hk

4:bcdboot %WinDir% /l zh-hk

最後去regedit>HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\control\mui\ullanguages, 把不要既語系delete, 重開電腦就可以

Software: NVIDIA專用遊戲加速程式

Advanced Control Panel and Profile Editor for nVidia cards

nHancer Main Window

nVidia's modern graphic cards offer a whole range of settings to optimize the display of games and also of professional applications.

Latest version


(October 11th 2009)


Some settings can also be used to improve the performance and to resolve rendering errors.

nHancer is the tool that empowers both experts and inexperienced users to fully utilize the possibilities of the graphic card.

To get an impression of the possible improvements please check out these comparison examples:

Anti-Aliasing comparison

Anisotropic filter comparison

Extensive explanations for all the various settings are directly shown in nHancer, enabling newcomers to immediately understand the effects of those settings. Experts, on the other hand, can use the advanced options to adjust every detail to their preferences.

One of the most prominent features of nVidia graphic cards is the support for automatic profiles. By using those profiles it's possible to optimize the rendering for every game or application without the need to manually adjust all the settings each time before starting it. nHancer greatly improves the management of those profiles, so anybody can use them very easily.

Software: 為Google Chrome 加入Adblock(阻隔廣告.免中木馬陷阱)


Enjoy an ad-free web browsing with AdSweep

New update: Since the last owner decided to not continue the project, I, arienh4 am taking over. Any requests will now continue to try to be fulfilled. See the Twitter account for updates.

Download AdSweep

Chrome Extension - AdSweep Opera AdSweep User Script Greasemonkey AdSweep

Browser: Chrome/Chromium/Iron Opera Firefox*

Extension: AdSweep.crx - -

User script: AdSweep.user.js AdSweep.js AdSweep.user.js

* partial support, see below.


AdSweep is a small addon that aims to hide advertising from the web pages you visit like Adblock. In technical terms, AdSweep is a user javascript that defines CSS rules based on the web site you are visiting to hide elements of the page that show advertisements. If you want to use Opera's Content Blocker in addition to AdSweep, you can use my adblock list.

AdSweep is designed for standard-compliant web browsers such as Opera, Google Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla Firefox 3.1+ or Apple Safari. It works better and faster with Opera and now with Google Chrome. It is a work in progress, more and more web sites are added over time, and if you have basic CSS skills, you can take part and help make the web a cleaner place. To help me out, you can get in touch with me by email.

See for yourself

2009年10月9日 星期五

Exchange2003: Setting Mailbox Limits over 2GB

Setting mailbox limits over 2GB in Exchange 2003

Daniel Petri's Exchange Server Recommendations

There are several new features included within Exchange Server 2007, which some of my articles touch on briefly. However, if you are looking for training that takes you from installation to integration with Outlook and management of Exchange Server 2007 then you need Train Signal's training videos. The Exchange Server 2007 training videos are taught by Microsoft MVP and MCSE, David Shackelford, who teaches with a "Hands-on" approach.

Daniel Petri

You can see the Exchange Server 2007 training with video instruction here.

Exchange Server 2000/2003 allows the Exchange Administrator to set limits on the mailboxes of users in the Exchange Organization (read Setting Mailbox Limits, Working with Store Policies and Overwriting Mailbox Store Policy Limits for more info). Setting limits on the mailboxes help control the database size and plan for efficient backup, restore and maintenance tasks.

However, in most scenarios, there will always be users that think that they deserve more storage space than they were given in the first place. Some of these are VIPs, others just need it for their work, and the rest are simply trying to make their life easier.

So, whatever may be the reason, you might find yourself in need to configure higher mailbox limits for some users.

Well, up to this point all I did was to explain what you already know. However, there is one tricky bit:

When trying to configure mailbox limits higher than 2097151 KB the Exchange System Manager (ESM) or Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) snap-ins will not allow you to enter these higher limits.

You will receive an error saying: "The value for 'Issue warning at (KB)' is not valid. Specify a value from 0 through 2097151".

The mailbox limits are actually Active Directory attributes. If you set a sample user's mailbox limits and look at the user object with a tool such as LDP or Adsiedit.msc you will notice that they are:

* Issue Warning = MDBStorageQuota

* Prohibit Send = MDBOverQuotaLimit

* Prohibit Send and Receive = MDBOverHardQuotaLimit

These limits are part of the UI, and NOT a hard coded limit on the attribute itself.


The solution is to edit these attributes via a different tool, and not use ESM/ADUC.

Method #1: Adsiedit.msc - One user at a time

You can use the Adsiedit.msc tool (found in the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools - Download Windows 2003 SP1 Support Tools).

1. Open Adsiedit.msc from the Run command, and expand your domain container.

2. Expand the domain tree and browse to the required user object.

3. Right click the user object and select Properties.

1. In the Properties window, in the attributes list, scroll down till you find the 3 attributes listed above.

1. Note that in the above screenshots I have already populated these attributes with sample values. They will be blank if you look at a normal user object.

2. Click to select one of the 3 attributes and click Edit.

1. In the Integer Attribute Editor window enter the required value. When done, click Ok.

1. Continue editing the other 2 attributes. When done, click Ok.

1. You can go back to the user object in ADUC and note that the new values are present.

Note: Do NOT try to edit them via ADUC. Even though they seem like editable, if you try to edit them while they have these higher attributes, you will receive the error described in the beginning of this article. Whenever you need to make any changes to these attributes from now on you will need to go back to Adsiedit.msc (at least for as long as the attributes are higher than the UI limitations)

Method #2: ADmodify - Many users at the same time

You can download ADmodify .NET v2.1 from the following link:

Download ADmodify .NET v2.1

ADmodify does not need any installation, just unzip and run it.

ADmodify is a wonderful tool. One of the reasons is because it will allow you to modify almost any user or group attribute, and will do it for as many objects as you need.

1. Run ADmodify. Click on Modify Attributes.

1. In the main ADmodify window, select your domain, domain controller, and unselect any objects you do not wish to include in the list (like groups for example). Finally, click on the green arrow.

2. The domain tree list will populate itself. Expand it and browse to the right OU. You can click Add to List to simply add all the required user, group or Public Folders objects to the right pane, or if needed, you can also create a custom LDAP query (read LDAP Search Samples for Windows Server 2003 and Exchange 2000/2003 for more info), and even traverse containers (In the following screenshot you can see that all user objects are displayed from all of the Help Desk child OUs).

1. Select all or some of the objects from the right pane and click on Next.

1. In the editor window click on the Exchange Features tab. Click to select the Storage Limits leftmost checkbox, then click to select any of the 3 attributes checkboxes and enter the required value(s). When done, click Go!

Just like in Adsiedit.msc and ADUC, if these attributes ever need to be edited afterwards you will need to use the same method (or Adsiedit.msc).

2009年10月8日 星期四

Software: Help HardDisk Tools

1: HDD Regenerator (比較容易使用)
3: PC-3000  (比較難,但是最強)
2: MHDD(效果佳,要如何使用,請打Help)


Exit: 回到DOS
HELP: 列出指令清單
PORT: 選擇目標磁碟機
ID: 列出硬碟資訊
SCAN: 掃瞄或修復磁碟機資訊











在掃描硬碟在前,我們還必須設置掃描配置。主要選項有掃描定址模式(LBACHS),起始及結束的柱面或磁區、超時時限、清零時限、及是否重複掃描/修復。為了達到修復效果,建議打開remap(壞道重映射)、Loop the test/repair(重複掃描/修復)及 Erase WAITs等選項。設置完成後按“F4就可開始磁片掃描。




同樣,先按SHIFT+F3掃描硬碟連接並選擇,按F4鍵,先用一般模式掃一遍,再用高級模式掃一遍,具體方法是選擇LBA模式,remapOFFLoop the test/repairOFF,其餘項ON,選擇完畢CTRL+ENTER執行掃描, 掃描完畢,執行上面操作,選CHS模式,Loop the test/repairOFFErase WAITsOFF,其餘項選ON,選擇完畢,執行掃描,OK!!!


下面這個方法,沒耐心的朋友就不必看了。同上,先按SHIFT+F3掃描硬碟連接並選擇,按F4鍵,先用一般模式掃十遍以上,再用高級模式掃一變,具體方法在一般模式下將Loop the test/repair項選ON,執行掃描掃描至少10遍以後,ESC退出,重複操作,選擇高級模式執行掃描,OK!!!








命令:可以切換硬碟的性能及噪音狀態,有127級(0126)狀態可供設置,“126表示最高性能,不過此時硬碟的噪音最大。注意aam命令需要硬碟支援Automatic Acoustic Management技術才可以。



fujlst命令:可以分別查看IBM 及富士通的硬碟缺陷列表。


2009年10月7日 星期三

Software: UnLock IT

UnLock IT-0

以下介紹這套蠻簡單的免費軟體「EMCO UnLock IT」,按一下〔Check〕按鈕就可以查出指定檔案被什麼樣的處理程序給佔用著,並詳細列出該程序由哪個帳號執行、SID、描述、佔用的記憶體與所在路徑…等等資訊,如果你要解除佔用,只要按一下〔Kill〕按鈕,即可將該處理程序關閉,讓被佔用的檔案恢復正常。

Win7 的幾個技巧

Multi-threaded File Copy 多线程文件复制

    如果你是个更高级使用者,你肯定听说过Robocopy(复制文件和目录的高级实用程序)。现在它被包含在Win7当中,并且你可以通过命令行来执行多线程复制。你可以选择任意数目的线程,就像 "/MT[:n],它的数值范围在1到128之间 。
(在命令行 输入 ROBOCOPY /? 有具体用法)
Run A Program As An Administrator 以管理员身份运行一个程序
    当你打开一个程序的同时按住CTRL+SHIFT 就能以管理员权限去运行它。 

Turn Off 'Send Feedback' 关闭 发送回馈

    如果你认为当前测试版WIN7的关于测试者反馈的功能很烦人的话,这有个方法可以关掉它。 按 WIN 输入 regedit, 然后 找到HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop 接着把
FeedbackToolEnabled的值改成0. 重启电脑之后它就不会再出现了。 另外,如果你要再打开它,就把数值改成3.
Problem Step Recorder 程序安装记录

    程序安装记录是一个伟大的工具, 它可以被运用在很多环境中。 你可以通过按 WIN 输入PSR.exe 然后点击记录来启动它。现在它将会记录你所有的移动,并且储存为HTML格式的文件,你可以浏览它或者在上面写下你的描述。这些可以和错误诊断,写入引导 或者单独辅导一起给你提供帮助。
Free Codecs Pack 免费解码包

    很不幸, Windows media player 仍然不能播放一些音频和视频文件, 所以你仍然需要一些解码器。 但是随着免费解码包的下载, 你应该不会在这方面有任何问题了。

Advanced Disk Defragmentation 高级磁盘整理

    Win7提供了比VISTA好很多的磁盘整理功能,并且你可以通过命令行来设置它。 按WIN 输入CMD。你可以利用输入命令行defrag整理你的磁盘并且你还有以下选项: /r 多个同时整理, -a 执行一个整理分析, -v 打印报告, -r 忽略小于64M的碎片, -w 整理所有碎片
例如: “defrag C: -v -w”整理整个C盘。

Make Internet Explorer 8 Load Faster 让IE8运行更快

    如果你让IE8更快,你要关闭让它变慢的插件。 工具——插件管理 检查每一个插件的加载时间。 你可以自己选择去掉那些你不需要的插件以提高读取速度。

 Run A Program As Another User 以其他用户的身份运行程序


Make 64bit Windows Media Player Default ( only for X64 users ) 让Windows Media Player默认为64位。

    windows自带版本Windows Media Player默认为32位。 如果你是64位用户, 这样做,按WIN 输入COMMAMD, 右键点Command Prompt然后执行Run as administrator,输入"unregmp2.exe /SwapTo:64″,之后,按WIN,输入"regedit",来到HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\App Paths\wmplayer.exe\下,双击值并且把它从"%ProgramFiles(x86)"改为"%ProgramFiles%"。现在你就 可以使用64位的Windows Media Player了。

Make The System Tray Clock Show The AM / PM Symbols 让系统时间托盘显示AM/PM符号

    win7默认显示24小时制的时间,所以如果你想要显示AM/PM,按WIN,输入intl.cpl 去打开时区和语言选项,自定义格式,把长时间从HH:mm改成HH:mm tt, 例如tt是AM或者PM符号(21:12 PM)。把它改成12小时制,你要输入像hh::mm tt(9:12 PM)。

Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility Mode IE8兼容模式

    如果你的网站不能正确渲染,你应该启动IE8兼容视图来播放他们。这是因为升级渲染引擎会导致很多麻烦。 打开 IE, 工具--兼容视图设置 然后选择 用兼容视图打开所有网站, 然后点确定。

2009年10月6日 星期二

Software: Backup Driver Program

Welcome to Double Driver

One of the main reasons why you would want to collect installed drivers is if you don’t have the Driver CD that came with the computer or they are unavailable online. This comes in quite handy if you purchase a computer and want to backup the initial set of drivers. It can be quite difficulty for example to find drivers for hardware installed in a notebook if the operating system has to be setup again. Luckily Double Driver can now lend you a hand with that and save you a lot of time.
Double Driver is a very simple and useful tool which not only allows you to view all the drivers installed on your system but also allows you to backup, restore, save and print all chosen drivers simply and reliably.
Double Driver analyzes your system and lists the most important driver details such as version, date, provider, etc and offers you the chance to update to the latest version. All drivers that are found can easily be backed up the application and easily restored at a later point in one go.
Double Driver is freeware. Feel free to use and give this program to anyone you know. Your donation or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Software: Easy change CD/DVD to ISO

Description CD2ISO is a simple CD/DVD ripper. It will allow you to easily rip any data CD/DVD into an ISO file. The ISO file can be saved on disk as a backup copy, or burned to another disc to make an identical copy of the original disc.

Use CD2ISO is very simple to use. Just select your CD/DVD drive that contains the disc to be ripped, then click "Rip." As it rips the data it will display a progress dialog.

Screen Shots Screen shot Screen shot
Requirements CD2ISO is a 32-bit application requiring a Microsoft Windows Operating System.

Download Self-installing version of CD2ISO (86K)
Zip version of CD2ISO (33K)
64-bit version

2009年10月1日 星期四

Software: SmillaEnlarger(圖像倍大新技術)

SmillaEnlarger is a small graphical tool ( based on Qt ) to resize, especially magnify bitmaps in high quality. ( The used algorithm is an invention of my own )

Software: MP3 Splitter


Software: Freez DVD Ripper

Freez DVD Ripper is a DVD ripping tool to rip your favorite DVD movies to popular DivX/Xvid AVI files, H.264 MP4 files, and even iPod MP4 video files with fast DVD ripping speed and excellent quality.
With Freez DVD Ripper, you can choose which titles and chapters, audio tracks, and subtitle tracks of the DVD you want to rip. You can also choose the output video format from AVI (DivX MPEG4), AVI (Xvid), MP4 (H264) or iPod MP4 Video. You can also set the video size, bitrate and framerate, audio channel, bitrate and frequency.
Freez DVD Ripper has a user-friendly interface and you can rip DVD with only a few clicks. Enjoy it!

如何變更 Office XP、Office 2003 和 2007 Office 程式及套件的產品金鑰

如何變更 Office XP、Office 2003 和 2007 Office 程式及套件的產品金鑰

重要 本文包含如何修改登錄的相關資訊。修改登錄之前,請務必將它備份起來,並了解在發生問題時如何還原登錄。如需有關如何備份、還原和修改登錄的詳細資訊,請按一下下面的文件編號,檢視「Microsoft 知識庫」中的文件:
256986  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256986/ ) Microsoft Windows 登錄說明
全部展開 | 全部摺疊

如果沒有先移除再重新安裝 Microsoft Office,無法變更 Microsoft Office XP、Microsoft Office 2003 或 2...

如果沒有先移除再重新安裝 Microsoft Office,無法變更 Microsoft Office XP、Microsoft Office 2003 或 2007 Microsoft Office 程式及套件的產品金鑰。

如果要解決這個問題,請依照本節中的步驟執行。警告 如果您使用「登錄編輯程式」或其他方法不當地修改登錄,可能會發生嚴重問題。您可能需要重新安裝作業系統,才能解決這...


警告 如果您使用「登錄編輯程式」或其他方法不當地修改登錄,可能會發生嚴重問題。您可能需要重新安裝作業系統,才能解決這些問題。Microsoft 不保證可以解決這些問題。請自行承擔修改登錄的一切風險。注意 如果您在完成這些步驟之後嘗試開啟 Office 程式,會收到訊息提示您要輸入有效的產品金鑰。在開始這些步驟之前,請先在手邊準備好有效的產品金鑰。
  1. 關閉所有 Office 程式。
  2. 按一下 [開始],按一下 [執行],輸入 regedit,然後按一下 [確定]
  3. 找出並按一下下列子機碼:

    如果是 2007 Office 程式及套件:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Registration
    如果是 Office 2003:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Registration
    如果是 Office XP:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Registration

  4. 匯出 Registration 子機碼。

    如果新的產品金鑰沒有作用,您可以在 Registration 子機碼下製做值的備份。如果要執行這項操作,請依照下列步驟執行:
    1. 用滑鼠右鍵按一下 Registration 子機碼,然後按一下 [匯出]
    2. [儲存於] 清單中,選取要儲存登錄項目的位置。
    3. [檔案名稱] 方塊中,輸入要匯出的 .reg 檔案的名稱,然後按一下 [儲存]

    注意 在步驟 4a 到 4c 中,您已建立 Registration 子機碼的備份。您可以按兩下在步驟 4c 中儲存的 .reg 檔案,來還原 Registration 子機碼的登錄設定。.reg 檔案的內容會自動匯出至登錄。
  5. 在 Registration 子機碼下,可能會有數個包含英數字元組合的「全域唯一識別碼」(GUID)。安裝在您電腦上的每個程式都有特定的 GUID。

    按一下 GUID。然後,檢視 Productname 登錄項目右窗格中列出的 Office 版本。在找到包含 Office 程式版本的 GUID 之後,請依照下列步驟執行:
    1. 用滑鼠右鍵按一下 DigitalProductID 登錄項目,按一下 [刪除],然後按一下 [是]
    2. 用滑鼠右鍵按一下 ProductID 登錄項目,按一下 [刪除],然後按一下 [是]

      如需有關如何識別您電腦上所安裝的 Office 套件或程式版本的正確 GUID 的詳細資訊,請按一下下面的文件編號,檢視「Microsoft 知識庫」中的文件:
      928516  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928516/ ) Description of the numbering scheme for product code GUIDs in 2007 Office suites and programs
      832672  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/832672/ ) Description of numbering scheme for product code GUIDs in Office 2003
      302663  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/302663/ ) Description of the numbering scheme for product code GUIDs for Office XP programs

  6. 關閉「登錄編輯程式」。
  7. 開啟 Office 程式,例如 Microsoft Word。當您收到訊息提示您要輸入產品金鑰時,請輸入正確的產品金鑰,然後按一下 [確定]

Software: UUSee網絡電視2008

PPSteam 殺手 P2PTV引入預錄功能

Software: Ubcd4win


What is the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows?

UBCD4Win is a bootable recovery CD that contains software used for repairing, restoring, or diagnosing almost any computer problem. Our goal is to be the most complete and easy to use free computer diagnostic tool. Almost all software included in UBCD4Win are freeware utilities for Windows®. Some of the tools inlcuded are "free for personal use" copies so users need to respect these licenses. A few of the tools included in UBCD4Win are paid for and licensed software owned by UBCD4win. On occasion we work with software companies/authors for permission to include their software in our download or have requested their software better support PE. Users can freely share copies of UBCD4Win with friends but selling UBCD4Win for a profit is not acceptable. We have worked hard for many years helping people for free with this project, others should not make money from our hard work. If you are a dialup user having a hard time downloading UBCD4Win, please visit our ordering page. UBCD4Win is based on Bart's PE©. Bart's PE© builds a Windows® "pre-install" environment CD, basically a simple Windows® XP booted from CD. UBCD4Win includes network support and allows you the ability to modify NTFS volumes, recover deleted files, create new NTFS volumes, scan hard drives for viruses, etc. Our download includes almost everything you need to repair your system problems. This project has been put together to be the ultimate recovery cd and not a replacement OS (Operating System). Please visit the "List of Tools" page for a complete list of what is included in the latest version of UBCD4Win.

Software: iReboot

iReboot is NeoSmart Technologies' simple yet effective reboot helper tool. iReboot sits in your taskbar at startup (only taking up 400KB of memory!) and lets you choose which operating system you want to reboot into. Instead of pressing restart, waiting for Windows to shut down, waiting for your BIOS to post, then selecting the operating system you want to boot into (within the bootloader time-limit!); you just select that entry from iReboot and let it do the rest! If you liked EasyBCD, you'll just love iReboot!

Software: IE Tester

IETester is a free WebBrowser that allows you to have the rendering and javascript engines of IE8, IE7 IE 6 and IE5.5 on Windows 7, Vista and XP, as well as the installed IE in the same process.
New in v0.4.1 : IETester is now multi-processed, each tab having its own process so the main window should be more stable. It also provides Aero Feature under Windows 7 !
This is an alpha release, so feel free to post comments/bugs on the IETester forum.
Requirement : Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP with IE7 (Windows XP/IE6 config has some problems and IE8 instance do not work under XP without IE7)
Download IETester v0.4.1 (24MB)
(IETester v0.4.1 zipped intaller for people unable to download .exe files due to proxy limitations)

Known problems and limitations :

  • The Previous/Next buttons are not working properly
  • Focus is not working properly
  • Java applets are not working
  • Flash is not working on IE6 instance in user mode : A solution is to launch IETester as admin user and Flash will work.
  • CSS Filters are not working correctly in user mode : A solution is to launch IETester as admin user and CSS Filters will work.