2009年11月27日 星期五

Software Vitamin D Video (WebCam變監視器

A Better Mousetrap

Introducing Vitamin D Video. Our simple video monitoring software brings enterprise-grade functionality to anyone with a webcam or network camera.

Try the free beta now.
Download Watch demo

2009年11月26日 星期四


perf 支援大多數的作業系統,如: Windows,Linux,FreeBSD,MACOSX,Solaris等等,使用上非常簡單,在你的網路環境中準備兩台電腦,各架設於兩端點間,如 core switch到RD switch之間,一邊設定為iperf server,另一邊設定成iperf client,這麼一來你就可以知道core switch與RD switch之間的throughput能達到多少.

1.隨意選擇結點A作為Server端,而B作為客戶端,在A上進入命令提示字元執行iperf -s,這樣iperf將以Server端方式啟動,並且通過TCP的5001port監聽.
2.接下來我們到B節點進入命令提示字元,然後執行iperf -c -t 60,這個命令是將B節點以客戶端的方式運行,並且連接IP地址為192.168.0.199的服務端,監視測量數據時間是60秒.
6.當然我們還可以通過在客戶端上執行iperf -c -t 60 -i 2,這樣將每隔兩秒自動將測量結果顯示出來,在最後再計算其平均值.
       通過簡單的設置和簡單的指令我們輕鬆實現了針對內網兩個節點之間頻寬傳輸速度的測量,當然iperf程序還支持很多參數,具體設置我們可以參考其 HELP,比較常用的有-l 緩沖區大小,-m 顯示tcp最大mtu值,-p 指定服務器端使用的port或客戶端所連接的port,-u 使用udp協議,-w 指定TCP窗口大小,默認是8KB,-M 設定TCP數據包的最大mtu值等。另外在客戶端上可以通過-n 指定傳輸的字節數,-r 單獨進行雙向傳輸測試,在服務端則可以通過-D參數以服務方式運行ipserf,以-R來停止iperf服務.

2009年11月25日 星期三

Software HWM BlackBox(硬件健康一望就知)

All about your computer
No secrets!

HWM BlackBox is a utility designed to deliver precise details on the core components of your computer to the maximum. As well as providing you with you with in-depth information about hardware such as the processor, memory modules, mainboard, hard drives and video card, it also offers the opportunity to assess critical parameters such as clock speeds and temperatures. HWM BlackBox also presents Vista – compatible tools to test your computer's performance under Microsoft Windows Vista.

變更SID的方法(冇左NewSid T_T )

分類:Windows Client , 有 0 次瀏覽過 , 有 0 個機器人爬過

有人在會中詢問Vista 應該如何更改SID,因為該公司在大量部署時有使用到KMS Server 及
在執行更換SID 的過程,程式會去更新系統及使用者的相關資訊,但是....自從Vista/Server 2008 開始,使用者的資料已經改存放在「C:Users」目錄之下。那這工具在Applying 啥鬼啊...
所以,正確更改SID 的方法應該是拿出Vista 內建的Sysprep 系統準備工具,
到 開始 -> 空白欄位裡輸入「sysprep」-> 按下Enter 鍵

接著系統會開啟「C:Windowssystem32sysprep」目錄,再執行sysprep 程式


1. 只要選擇OOBE 模式,會在重開機後要求新增使用者,及重新命名電腦名稱。
假如在Sysprep 前,Vista 裡面已經有一個名為「User」的帳號,那麼在電腦重開會進入歡迎畫面,也就是準備新環境,此時就不能再建一個名為「User」的帳號,因為Sysprep 不會清除相關帳號資訊。
此外,再用「User」登入時,Vista 會重新產生設定檔(如圖示紅色圈選位置,藍色為Sysprep 前之設定檔),除非你用Sysprep 時沒有勾選「一般化」。

2. 驅動程式不會自動設定先前已安裝的。
我的測試環境是VMWare,原本在虛擬機器裡面已經安裝的「VMWare SVGA II」顯示驅動,在執行Sysprep 後,又變回了標準繪圖卡。
雖然上面這兩點很合理,因為一更改SID 後,舊有的使用者設定無法跟原始的SID 對應,勢必要重新產生。而且Sysprep 本來就是用來封裝Windows 並產生映象,重複供給組織或客戶群使用,所以不會自動安裝原環境的驅動。
但是,說實話....我只不過想要換個SID 而已,有必要這麼複雜嗎?
能不能拜託微軟再把NewSID 這麼好用的工具更新一下吧!

2009年11月23日 星期一

Moo0 DiskCleaner 1.02

Clean Unwanted Files from HDD

Moo0 DiskCleaner lets you easily clean up unwanted files / data off your HDD. It is very easy to use, and you just need to check items you want to clean and press "Clean Now" button. It currently supports over 130 kinds of targets, including system temporary files, private data in registry, internet browser cache, history and cookies (IE, Firefox, Opera), and so on. You can also set it to automatically clean them whenever your system boots up.

Update (10/10):
 - Added Italian Language Support.
 - Added Belarusian support to the installer.
 - Added Italian support to the installer.
 - Added Russian support to the installer.

Italian support was made possible by Rinaldo M. aka Whiteshark at Whiteshark. Thanks really a lot!!
Belarusian (Installer) support was made possible by Arhim2005. Thanks really a lot!!
Italian (Installer) support was made possible by Rinaldo M. aka Whiteshark at Whiteshark. Thanks really a lot!!
Russian (Installer) support was made possible by Arhim2005. Thanks really a lot!!

EasyBCD 1.7.2

EasyBCD is NeoSmart Technologies' multiple award-winning answer to tweaking the new Windows Vista bootloader. With EasyBCD, almost anything is possible. Setting up and configuring Windows boot entries is simple, and there is no easier way to quickly boot right into Linux, Mac OS X, or BSD straight from the Windows Vista bootloader - on the fly, no expert knowledge needed!
EasyBCD is geared for users of all kinds. Whether you just want to add an entry to your old XP partition or want to create a duplicate for testing purposes; if you're interested in debugging the Windows Kernel or septuple-booting your seven test operating systems, EasyBCD is the key.
EasyBCD is used and recommended by Microsoft, PC-World, PC-Magazine, Softpedia, PC-Welt, and dozens more! In the words of Harry McCracken (VP & Editor-in-Chief of PC World): "[EasyBCD] impressed the editors with its functionality and usability. These are some of the most well-crafted services available - congratulations to EasyBCD!" Don't get left out – download it today, it's free!!

XP Quick Fix Plus

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

XP Quick Fix Plus

There are a lot of excellent free Windows comprehensive repairing and fixing tools around the internet.
But there are times when you want just one quick fix for example when you are under a virus attack and you just want to enable the Task Manager or the Registry Editor so you can fight the virus back, or when some new installation changed your XP behavior and My Documents opens on every start up.
This is the right time to draw XP Quick Fix Plus with 40 common Windows XP problems fixes, only 0.58mb, portable, small and fast, a must have on every computer and with a small extra, a command line utility to fix 6 common problems directly from command line !

On 21/09/2009 this release was changed to version, the previous release ( had a bug with the "Duplicate Iscons in the Desktop" button, it was settng the desktop into the default profile, if you used the previous version and clicked this button, use this release ( to restore your desktop, download it and click that button again, then logoff and logon back !


Welcome to FullSync
FullSync is a universal file synchronization and backup tool which is highly customizable and expandable. It is especially for developers, but the basic functionality is easy enough for everyone.

current Version: 0.9.1 [2005-03-08] (ChangeLog)
get it at sourceforge.net

If you use and like FullSync and want to support it, please consider donating.

  • Publication and update of websites, synchronization of local directories and making backups of your data.
  • configuration and rule-rewriting per directory possible
  • flexible rules, allowing all kinds of exclusion/inclusion
  • buffered filesystems (so the tool only sees files it created itself)
  • multiple protocols supported (FTP,SFTP,SMB...)
  • read/write access bufferable and multithreadable


Features explained

2009年11月19日 星期四

Software 30秒破Windows7 password(ophcrack)

What is ophcrack?

Ophcrack is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a Graphical User Interface and runs on multiple platforms.


  • » Runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, ...
  • » Cracks LM and NTLM hashes.
  • » Free tables available for Windows XP and Vista.
  • » Brute-force module for simple passwords.
  • » Audit mode and CSV export.
  • » Real-time graphs to analyze the passwords.
  • » LiveCD available to simplify the cracking.
  • » Loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition, Vista included.
  • » Free and open source software (GPL).,

進入Linux>Favorite Applications >Terminal,輸入/home/tux/launch.sh ,就可以

Software 令相片及影像更清楚

Fast Image/Video Upsampling

Qi Shan, Zhaorong Li, Jiaya Jia, and Chi-Keung Tang
We propose a simple but effective upsampling method for automatically enhancing the image/video resolution, while preserving the essential structural information. The main advantage of our method lies in a feedback-control framework which faithfully recovers the high-resolution image information from the input data, without imposing additional local structure constraints learned from other examples. This makes our method independent of the quality and number of the selected examples, which are issues typical of learning-based algorithms, while producing high-quality results without observable unsightly artifacts. Another advantage is that our method naturally extends to video upsampling, where the temporal coherence is maintained automatically. Finally, our method runs very fast. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm by experimenting with different image/video data.

[Paper]  [Supplementary file]  [Talk slides]   [Video (.avi 19M)]
    author = {Qi Shan and Zhaorong Li and Jiaya Jia and Chi-Keung Tang},
title = {Fast Image/Video Upsampling},
    journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA)},
    year = {2008},

Registry 隱藏系統工具例圖示

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,加入32-BIT DWORD,"NoTrayitemsDisplay",數值為1

Registry 隱藏電腦上的分區硬碟

RUN>regedit>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CyrrentVersion\Polices\Explorer, 加入32BIT DWORD "NoDrives" ,如果要隱藏A: 和F: 的話,就應該輸入1和32的總和.即是33.

A = 1
B= 2
C= 4
D= 8

2009年11月17日 星期二

當您嘗試使用 Ipconfig 程式釋出及更新 IP 位址時,可能會收到下列錯誤訊息:

如何修復 Winsock2 的毀損

Windows XP 已安裝 Service Pack 2 時的指示

如果要在已安裝 Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) 的情況下修復 Winsock,請在命令提示字元中輸入 netsh winsock reset,然後按下 ENTER。

注意 執行這個命令後,請重新啟動電腦。此外,對於執行 Windows XP SP2 的電腦,有一個新的 netsh 命令可以重新建立 Winsock 機碼。如需詳細資訊,請造訪下列網站:
http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/sp2netwk.mspx (http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/sp2netwk.mspx)
警告 當您執行 netsh winsock reset 命令時,存取或監視網際網路的程式 (例如防毒軟體、防火牆或 Proxy 用戶端) 可能會受到負面的影響。如果執行這個解決方案後,有程式變成無法正常運作,請重新安裝該程式,以還原其功能。

注意 如果這些步驟無法解決問題,請依照下一節的步驟執行。

Windows XP 未安裝 Service Pack 2 時的指示

如果要在未安裝 Windows XP SP2 的情況下修復 Winsock,請刪除毀損的登錄機碼,然後重新安裝 TCP/IP 通訊協定。
步驟 1:刪除毀損的登錄機碼
警告 如果您使用「登錄編輯程式」或其他方法不當地修改登錄,可能會發生嚴重問題。這些問題可能會需要您重新安裝作業系統才能解決。Microsoft 不保證可以解決這些問題。請自行承擔修改登錄的一切風險。

如需有關如何備份登錄的詳細資訊,請按一下下面的文件編號,檢視「Microsoft 知識庫」中的文件:
322756  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756/ ) 如何在 Windows XP 和 Windows Server 2003 中備份、編輯及還原登錄
  1. 按一下 [開始],然後按一下 [執行]
  2. [開啟] 方塊中,輸入 regedit,然後按一下 [確定]
  3. 在 [登錄編輯程式] 中找出下列機碼,再用滑鼠右鍵按一下每個機碼,然後按 [刪除]
  4. 提示您是否確定要刪除時,請按一下 [是]
注意 刪除 Winsock 機碼之後,請重新啟動電腦。如此,Windows XP 作業系統就會為這兩個機碼建立新的殼層項目。如果刪除 Winsock 機碼之後沒有重新啟動電腦,下一個步驟就會無法正確執行。
步驟 2:安裝 TCP/IP
  1. 用滑鼠右鍵按一下網路連線,再按一下 [內容]
  2. 按一下 [安裝]
  3. 按一下 [通訊協定],然後按一下 [新增]
  4. 按一下 [從磁片安裝]
  5. 輸入 C:\Windows\inf,然後按一下 [確定]
  6. 在可用通訊協定的清單中按一下 [Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)],然後按一下 [確定]
  7. 重新啟動電腦。

Software Combofix (病毒移除-軟件操作)

Using ComboFix
If you need help with malware removal, then please create a topic at one of the forums listed later in the guide and ask for help. Please note that each forum has different policies, so please be sure to read any pinned topics and rules for the particular forum about how you should go about receiving help. If a ComboFix log has been requested by a helper then please create one by following the instructions below.
The first thing you should do is print out this guide, as we will close all the open windows and programs, including your web browser, before starting the ComboFix program.
Next you should download ComboFix from one of the following URLs:
To download ComboFix, simply left-click on one of the links above and you will see a prompt similar to the figure below.

2009年11月15日 星期日

Exchange2007 問題(A Restart from a Previous Installation is Pending) Fixed

Exchange 2007 update去SP2出現Error:A Restart from a Previous Installation is Pending, 搵到問題所在及解決辦法如下:

Microsoft Exchange Server setup cannot continue because a restart from a previous installation or update is pending.

The Exchange Server Analyzer reads the following registry key to determine whether a system restart is required after installation or removal of a software update such as a security update, critical update, or hotfix.


The Exchange Analyzer also checks the following registry key to determine whether a previous software update installation was not completed and the system must be restarted to finish the installation.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations

The Exchange Analyzer displays an error message if one of the following conditions is true:.

* The value of the UpdateExeVolatile registry key is anything other than 0.
* The PendingFileRenameOperations registry key has any value.

This error indicates that a restart from a previous install or update is pending and the system must be restarted before Exchange Setup can continue.

To resolve this issue, restart the system and then run Exchange setup again.

If the Exchange Analyzer is still reporting this error after a system restart, the registry keys may contain orphaned values that must be removed. Possible values for these keys are listed below.
Value of UpdateExeVolatile Value of PendingFileRenameOperations Results


Not Applicable

Both a software update installation and a software update removal are awaiting a system restart. If the incomplete update is a security update, then the system may be at risk until it is restarted.


Not Applicable

A software update installation is awaiting a system restart. If the incomplete update is a security update, then the system may be at risk until it is restarted.


Not Applicable

A software update removal is awaiting a system restart. If the incomplete update is a security update, then the system may be at risk until it is restarted.

0 or missing

Not Applicable

A system restart is currently not required.

Greater than 3

Not Applicable

An invalid value was returned for the setting used to determine whether a system restart is required after a software update installation.

0 or missing

Exists and contains value

A previous software update installation was not completed. The system must be restarted to finish the installation. If the incomplete installation was a security update, then the system may be at risk until it is restarted.
This article contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to restore the registry, view the "Restore the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe.
To remove an orphaned UpdateExeVolatile registry key value


Open a registry editor, such as Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe.

Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\

In the right navigation pane, double-click the UpdateExeVolatile key.

Configure the key with a value of 0

Close Registry Editor.

To delete the orphaned PendingFileRenameOperations registry key


Open a registry editor, such as Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe.

Navigate to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\

In the right navigation pane, right-click the PendingFileRenameOperations key and select Delete.

Close Registry Editor.

Software: Convert Physical Machines to Virtual Machines in Minutes (Vmware )

VMware vCenter Converter can run on a wide variety of hardware and supports most commonly used versions of the Microsoft Windows and Linux* operating systems. With this robust, enterprise class migration tool you can:

  • Quickly and reliably convert local and remote physical machines into virtual machines without any disruption or downtime.

  • Complete multiple conversions simultaneously with a centralized management console and an intuitive conversion wizard.

  • Convert other virtual machine formats such as Microsoft Virtual PC and Microsoft Virtual Server or backup images of physical machines such as Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery or Norton Ghost to VMware virtual machines.

  • Restore VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB) images of virtual machines to running virtual machines.

  • Clone and backup physical machines to virtual machines as part of your disaster recovery plan.

Download VMware vCenter Converter Free of Charge

VMware vCenter Converter is a robust, enterprise-class product for managing and automating large scale conversions.  Leverage VMware vCenter Converter in your company for any P2V and V2V migration project. 
Download VMware vCenter Converter for free.

*Linux P2V support is available for Standalone version only

Software SpamAssassin (Linux)

[ 最新版本: 3.2.5 ] 為 Fedora 9
只看程式名稱就很清楚知道 SpamAssassin 有什麼用途:Spam Assassin, 就是 spam ﹝廣告或垃圾郵件﹞的殺手。本來 email 被稱謂網際網路的 killer application,但是因為 spam 的來臨,很多人就怕了使用 email。現在的廣告郵件實在太多了。
如何解決這個 spam 的問題?目前唯一的解決辦法就是安裝過濾 spam 的軟體。SpamAssassin 是最好的過濾 spam 的軟體。而對一些人是不可思議因為 SpamAssassin 是免費的軟體。
在這篇文章我要描寫在 Linux 系統使用 Fedora 9 如何安裝 SpamAssassin。
雖然 Fedora 9 提供 SpamAssassin,但是我比較喜歡安裝最新版本。你可以在這下載:

2009年11月10日 星期二


只要在圖示右鍵,選擇重新命名,再輸入 ALT+0160 ,就可以了

Software 自動化刪除空白資料夾

Project Description

This application removes all sub-folders (and the folder itself) where vanity is found. In other words: Recursivly checks for and deletes empty folders. Simple as that.


How to use:

  1. Download and run.
  2. Select a folder, by either:
    1. Typing it in to the textbox.
    2. Choosing it with the folder dialog (click the button next to the textbox).
    3. Drag and drop a folder from explorer unto the application.
  3. Press enter or click the green arrow.

Software HxD - Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor

HxD - Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor

HxD is a carefully designed and fast hex editor which, additionally to raw disk editing and modifying of main memory (RAM), handles files of any size.
The easy to use interface offers features such as searching and replacing, exporting, checksums/digests, insertion of byte patterns, a file shredder, concatenation or splitting of files, statistics and much more.
Editing works like in a text editor with a focus on a simple and task-oriented operation, as such functions were streamlined to hide differences that are purely technical.
For example, drives and memory are presented similar to a file and are shown as a whole, in contrast to a sector/region-limited view that cuts off data which potentially belongs together. Drives and memory can be edited the same way as a regular file including support for undo. In addition memory-sections define a foldable region and inaccessible sections are hidden by default.
Furthermore a lot of effort was put into making operations fast and efficient, instead of forcing you to use specialized functions for technical reasons or arbitrarily limiting file sizes. This includes a responsive interface and progress indicators for lengthy operations.

2009年11月5日 星期四

Software MyDefrag v4.2.5

MyDefrag is a disk defragmenter and optimizer (a maintenance utility to make your harddisk faster) for Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 2008, Win7, and for X64. It is freeware, no time limit, fully functional, no advertisements. Fast, low overhead, with many optimization strategies, can handle floppies, USB disks, memory sticks, and anything else that looks like a disk to Windows. Included are a set of easy to use scripts for endusers, a scripting engine for demanding users, a screensaver, and a combined Windows plus commandline version that can be scheduled by the Windows task scheduler or for use from administrator scripts.

2009年11月2日 星期一


      1. Open Microsoft Excel
      2. Click on FILE
      3. Click on OPEN
      4. Find the .txt file you wish to convert by locating the correct source in Look in: and by changing the Files of type: to Text Files (*.prn; *.txt;*.csv) double click on the file so that it opens to the Text Import Wizard Step 1 of 3
      5. Move the dot to Delimited and click on Next.
      6. Text Import Wizard Step 2 of 3. In Delimiters remove the tick in Tab and replace it in Comma, then click Next.
      7. Text Import Wizard Step 3 of 3. Leave this unchanged and click on Finish.
      8. You will now be back to Excel.
      9. Click on Save As.
      10. Select Save as type CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv) and name the file as you require, then click on Save.
      11. When a pop up box appears saying, the file contains features that are not compatible click on yes to return to your file.
      12. You are done. Congratulations. You can now use the .csv file.

Software OpenEMM 免費的電子郵件營銷工具


1.1 MySQL: Get the most recent version of MySQL 5.0 Community Server for
Windows from http://www.mysql.org/ and install it. Do not forget the
password for the database super user account, you will need it during
OpenEMM installation!

1.2. Get the most recent version of Python 2.5 for Windows from
http://www.python.org/ and install it.

1.3 Get the MySQL database module for Python 2.5 for Windows from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python (Download MySQL for Python ->
latest version, select the version ending with *-py2.5.exe, e.g.
MySQL-python-1.2.2.win32-py2.5.exe) and install it.

1.4 Get the most recent JDK version 6 for Windows from http://java.sun.com/
and install it.

As always with Windows, it may be a good idea to reboot now.


2.1 Download OpenEMM-5.5.x-win32.zip from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemm (Download OpenEMM ->
OpenEMM-5.5.x-win32.zip) and store it anywhere on your local system.

2.2 If you upgrade from a previous release please rename the directory of
the installed version - do not overwrite it with the new release. In case
you changed configuration files manually, do not forget to copy them to the
new OpenEMM directory!

2.3 Unzip the content of the zipfile to your preferred drive (e.g. C:\).

After this, you should find the directory C:\OpenEMM (or whatever drive you
have choosen). This is the home directory of OpenEMM refered further in this
document. Open the Windows explorer and change to the OpenEMM home


3.1 Start "setup.bat" from the home directory and follow the instruction
on the screen. The super user password of the MySQL database has to be
entered twice, first time to create the OpenEMM database, second time to
fill it with the required database structure and content.

3.2 After that you can change the default values for the redirection
domain. This is typically "http://" followed by the name of your system
(not "localhost" in a production enviroment) followed by the default port
":8080", e.g. for a server "www.company.com" the RDIR domain would be

3.2 To enable handling of incoming bounce mails not only for instant
bounces (which works out of the box) but also for delayed bounces and
autoresponder mails you have to set the mailloop domain to a FQDN (Fully
Qualified Domain Name) which points to the machine OpenEMM runs on. You can
find out the hostname of your machine with 'hostname', entered in the
command line mode (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt). Add
your domain name and TLD (Top Level Domain) to the hostname to get the FQDN
(like news.openemm.org).

When you send e-mails and want to take advantage of the bounce management
for delayed bounces there are two possibilities for the format of the sender

A.) Use whatever address you like. Set up a bounce filter in OpenEMM (see
user manual) to foward the filtered response to a feedback e-mail address of
your choice (different from the sender address, of course). Implement a
forward mechanism to forward incoming mail sent back to the sender address
to the e-mail address generated by the bounce filter (like
ext_1@news.openemm.org). The flow for responses of your e-mails works like

sender address -> filter-generated address (to filter out bounces) -> feedback address

B.) Use an e-mail address with the sender hostname (like
newsletter@news.openemm.org) Since no real e-mail addresses exist for the
sender hostname, normally it would not be possible to reply to an e-mail
with this ender address. To forward responses to a valid e-mail address you
have to define a bounce filter with an e-mail feedback address of your
choice. The e-mail address generated by the bounce filter has to be defined
as an alias in directory C:\OpenEMM\conf\bav in a new file named
bav.conf-local. Example:

news@news.openemm.org    alias:ext_1@news.openemm.org

The flow for responses of your e-mails works like this:

sender address -> bav.conf-local -> filter-generated address -> feedback address

3.4 You can enter a smart relay host. This may be useful for dial-up users
to send the mail via their ISP. You can either just enter the domain or IP
address or you can prefix this address by a : pair,
separated by a '@'. If you want to remove a previous entry, just enter a
hyphen '-'. An example for an ISP with domain 'isp.domain.com' using the
username 'user' and the password 'pass' must be entered in this form:



Start "update.bat" from the home directory and follow the instruction on the
screen. With OpenEMM 5.4.x the OpenEMM database will be converted to the UTF-8
character set. Therefore, the update script wants to drop and recreate the
OpenEMM database. Please do not be worried and confirm this request.

To change the configuration for the redirect or mailloop domain or the smart
relay (see above) you can start "config.bat" at any time.


To start the application itself, start "start.bat". Beside the management
scripts this starts the servlet engine Resin to generate the application
frontend and to handle the URL redirection server.

Note: Depending on your installation your firewall will tell you that
httpd.exe asks to use the TCP port 8080 and python.exe the port 25
(the displayed name may vary depending on your Windows and firewall
software.) For proper functionality you have to accept these requests.

Now you can point your local web browser to http://localhost:8080 and login
using username "admin" and password "openemm". One of your first steps
should be changing the password for this user.


To stop the application, just press "Return" in the command line window the
application runs in and stop the Java process by clicking the "Quit" button
in the Resin window. Finally, press "Return" in the command line window
again and wait briefly for termination of all processes and the closing of
this window.