2010年8月31日 星期二

Moo0 ConnectionWatcher lets you watch over any TCP/UDP connections from/to your PC.

Check Your Network Connections

Moo0 ConnectionWatcher lets you watch over any TCP/UDP connections from/to your PC. Using this program, you may discover which programs send/receive information with whom in detail.
Update (07/14):
 - Quick bug fix on the version 1.47.
 - Fixed some bugs on the installer.
 - Added Hungarian (Installer) (Partial) support.

Hungarian (Installer) (Partial) support was made possible by Robert L. at Robert L. Productions. Thanks really a lot!!

Update (07/11):
 - Quick bug fix on the version 1.46.
 - Fixed a bug on the installer.
 - Fixed some GUI components resource management mechanism.

Update (07/07):
 - Added Serbian language support.
 - Added support for 11 other languages (partial).
 - Some minor bug fixes.
 - Improved the Installer.
 - Added Greek support to the installer.
Serbian support was made possible by Slavisa Petkovic. Thanks really a lot!!
Greek (Installer) support was made possible by Panagiotis Fotoglou. Thanks really a lot!!
Page Title:
Page URL:
Language: Belarusian, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish, 11 other languages (partial) - [ Translators (22) ]
OS:Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
Ease of Use:Easy
Last Updated:2010/07/14   [ Update History (20) ]
PAD File:[ if you are running software listing site... ]
Download Installer - Exe
Installer - Exe

Download Portable Version - Zip
Portable Version - Zip
Size:3.14 MB
License:Free  (Non-Commercial Use Only) 
Using at Workplace / Internet Cafe?
Please support us via donation.
Please tell us anything to improve this program!
(We currently understand English, Japanese and Korean.)
Tell Developers  Larger >>
FAQ:Received / Sent fields are always 0.

Due to Microsoft's decision, the information is no longer available on Vista (Service Pack 1) and later. It may still be accessible if you specifically "Login as an Administrator", but not by just "Run the program as an Administrator". There is no problem to use it as an normal user before Vista (Service Pack 1).

Virtual Router - Wifi Hot Spot for Windows 7 / 2008 R2

Project Description
Virtual Router turns any Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 Computer into a Wifi Hot Spot using Windows 7's Wireless Hosted Network (Virtual Wifi) technology.

View Frequently Asked Questions | Share on Twitter!

Donate to the Project


The Wireless Network create/shared with Virtual Router uses WPA2 Encryption, and there is not way to turn off that encryption. This is actually a feature of the Wireless Hosted Network API's built into Windows 7 and 2008 R2 to ensure the best security possible.

You can give your "virtual" wireless network any name you want, and also set the password to anything. Just make sure the password is at least 8 characters.

BTW, this project is written entirely in C#.


Chris Pietschmann - Chris is a Microsoft MVP for the Windows Live Platform, and the Owner of Simplovation LLC a software development consulting company that specializes in Mapping/GIS related application development. You can view Chris' blog at http://pietschsoft.com
Last edited Jan 4 at 3:01 PM by crpietschmann, version 12

Change display language in Windows editions other than (officially supported) Ultimate,

About Vistalizator

17 October 2009

Vistalizator Did you buy a Windows laptop from abroad and want it to talk to you in your mother tongue?

Try Vistalizator - this tool allows you to change display language in Windows editions other than (officially supported) Ultimate, like Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium and Business/Professional.

Vistalizator overrides the limit of one MUI language on non-Ultimate Windows editions.
See details about using multiple languages in Windows.


  • Works in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista/Windows 7
  • Change Windows display language in less than 5 minutes! (Express installation mode)
  • Uses official Microsoft Windows language packs
  • You can install all 36 MUI languages and switch between them easily
  • You can install 55 Vista LIP languages on top of specific MUI languages
  • Compatible with Vista Service Pack 1 and Vista Service Pack 2
  • User Account Control (UAC) compliant - prompts for administrative privileges
  • Windows Speech Recognition works with all supported languages:
    Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish
  • Languages can be installed either in Internal or in Express mode, see details

Multiple languages in Windows

To be able to use different/multiple MUI display languages:
  • You are the lucky user of Windows Ultimate/Enterprise
  • Upgrade your edition to Ultimate - purchase a Windows Anytime Upgrade
  • Get a Windows installation DVD in different language and do a clean install of Windows
    (you can use Windows Easy Transfer for all your data and settings)
  • Make your own Multilanguage Vista DVD and do a clean install of Vista
  • Use Vistalizator in Windows Vista or Windows 7 and install languages in a few minutes
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Quicksys Disk Defrag

Quicksys Disk Defrag - Softpedia PickIt is a free disk defragmenter and optimizer for Microsoft Windows® with high technology that aims to rearrange the fragments of files on disk, to be continuously and in order, so that the performance and search speed of the disc increases. Besides defragmenting the disk, Quicksys Disk Defrag has a system called QSICA (Quicksys Intelligent Clusters Allocation) for clusters optimization.

Disk Defragmentation

Disk Defragmentation reduces data access time and allows storage to be used more efficiently. With all the data organized, the head of reading, which is responsible for finding, reading and writing of files on disk need to move less, and the fragments of files are found more quickly. This is directly reflected in the performance and agility of the computer.

Bookmark and Share

Disk Optimization

The optimization of clusters using QSICA provides maximum prevention that new files inserted on the disk are fragmented and best clusters location.


Installer Screenshot - Quicksys Disk Defrag Main Window Screenshot - Quicksys Disk Defrag
QSICA - Quicksys Intelligent Clusters Allocation
QSICA - Quicksys Intelligent Clusters Allocation

Get Started with QSICA

QSICA - Quicksys Intelligent Clusters Allocation - is a set of intelligent algorithms capable of detecting the best location of the fragments of a file. Furthermore, QSICA tries to fill clusters at maximum extent with fragments of files already on the disc. As a result, the new files that are inserted in the disc does not try to put fragments in these clusters because they have no space, forcing the file to use free space of the disc, preventing further fragmentation.
The process of optimization may take a longer time than other software, but ensures that your disk is organized with the files as best as possible and be prevented to a maximum of further fragmentation.

Main Features of Disk Defrag

  • It supports formatting NTFS (New Technology File System), FAT16 (File Allocation Table) and FAT32.
  • Defragments the files on disk.
  • Optimizes the files on the disk using the technology QSICA.
  • Fast defragmentation and optimization.
  • Works on any type of removable disk - floppy disks, USB (pen-drives), memory cards and so on.
  • There is a minimal possibility of file corruption (Based on the standard defragmentation API by Microsoft).
  • 15% of free space is not required.

Additional Features

  • Dynamic graphical display.
  • Custom drive map colors.
  • Possibility to ignore large files.
  • Possibility to ignore determined files and/or folders.
  • Possibility to schedule disk defragmentation or optimization.
  • Supports parameters.
  • Show detailed information about the partitions.


  • Increase in performance in the access of files.
  • Increase the life span of disk.
  • Maximum prevention fragments of files due to new technology QSICA.
  • Reduction of time needed to boot the computer.

Minimum Requeriments

  • Windows® 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 2008 and Seven.
  • Windows 32-bits and Windows 64-bits.
  • Processor 300 MHz.
  • 3 MB free disk space.
  • 256 MB RAM

Dataram ramdisk

  • Speed up Internet page load times
  • Control what files and programs are stored into memory (loaded at boot time)
  • Create temporary disks for added security
  • Speed up disk-to-disk activities such as video encryption and audio ripping
  • Accelerate databases
  • Reduce compile times

RAMDisk features:RAMDisk

  • Freeware version (up to 4 GB disk size). Disks larger than 4GB require registration and a license which can be purchased for $9.99 USD.
  • Universal version for WindowsXP/2000, Vista (32 and 64-bit) Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Ultimate, Windows Server 2003 Standard, Web and Enterprise Edition
  • Up to 32 GB disk in Vista and Windows 2003, 2008 Server (registered mode)
  • Save and load features allow RAMDisk to appear as persistent storage even through reboots
  • Supports Windows 7
Like our RAMDisk Software? Check out our server memory or memory for desktops, laptops, and more!


Is this the right product for me?
RAMDisk is the right product for you if you have a disk I/O bound application that is small enough to fit in main memory. RAMDisk is also great for storing frequently accessed data such as temp files, page files and database index files.
How does it work?
RAMDisk is a kernel-level driver that presents a standard disk drive to the OS, however, it stores and retrieves data from the system RAM on your motherboard instead of an actual, physical disk. Along with the Kernel Driver is a GUI that talks to the driver and allows the user to set various options as well as start and stop the Driver (create or delete a RAMDisk).
The Driver has been written to WDM standards and creates a low-level disk object that Windows Device Manager and Disk Management are able to "see" and manage. You can partition, format, mount a volume, and assign multiple drive letters to RAMDisk (but only if you would know how to do those things with a regular disk, RAMDisk does not do it for you).
How much does RAMDisk speed up my Application?
That varies by application and system, however, you should see a significant performance improvement with applications that are I/O bound and are not fully taxing the CPU or memory.
Is my personal data safe?
Yes! You can stop RAMDisk any time, assuring that all data sent to the RAMDisk during the prior session is instantaneously wiped. Once deleted, there is no way to recover data from RAMDisk.
Can I boot my OS from RAMDisk?
Not really. Since RAMDisk resides in Windows, you can't load Windows from it. However, you can start a second instance of any OS from RAMDisk using VMWare or other Virtual OS tools.
System Requirements
Hardware:Any Intel or AMD-based system with at least 512 MB RAM.
Software:Windows 7All VersionsVista (32- and 64-bit)Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, or Ultimate edition XP/2000XP Home, XP Professional (32-bit), or Windows 2000 (non-server)Server 2003 and 2008 (32- and 64-bit)Standard, Web, or Enterprise Edition

Windows 7徹底刪除檔案工具(內置)

C:\>cipher /?

顯示或更改 NTFS 磁碟分割上目錄 [檔案] 的加密。

  CIPHER [/E | /D | /C]
         [/S:directory] [/B] [/H] [pathname [...]]

  CIPHER /K [/ECC:256|384|521]

  CIPHER /R:filename [/SMARTCARD] [/ECC:256|384|521]

  CIPHER /U [/N]

  CIPHER /W:directory

  CIPHER /X[:efsfile] [filename]


  CIPHER /ADDUSER [/CERTHASH:hash | /CERTFILE:filename | /USER:username]
         [/S:directory] [/B] [/H] [pathname [...]]


         [/S:directory] [/B] [/H] [pathname [...]]

  CIPHER /REKEY [pathname [...]]

    /B        如果發生錯誤則中止。根據預設,即使發生錯誤,CIPHER 仍將繼續執
    /C        顯示加密檔案的資訊。
    /D        解密指定的檔案或目錄。
    /E        加密指定的檔案或目錄。目錄會加上標示,
    /H        顯示具有隱藏或系統屬性的檔案。根據預設,
    /K        建立與 EFS 一起使用的新憑證與金鑰。如果選擇這個選項,

              注意: 根據預設,/K 會建立符合目前群組原則的憑證與金鑰。
                    如果指定 ECC,將會使用提供的金鑰大小建立自我簽署

    /N        這個選項只能與 /U 搭配使用。這會避免
    /R        產生 EFS 修復金鑰與憑證,然後將它們
              寫入 .PFX 檔案 (包含憑證與私密金鑰)
              與 .CER 檔案 (僅包含憑證)。系統管理
              員可將 .CER 的內容新增到 EFS 修復原
              .PFX 以修復個別檔案。如果指定 SMARTCARD,
              產生 .CER 檔案 (僅包含憑證)。不會產生
              .PFX 檔案。

              注意: 根據預設,/R 會建立 2048 位元的 RSA 修復金鑰與憑證。
                    如果指定 ECC,它後面必須接著 256、384 或 521 的金鑰

    /S        在指定的目錄與其下的所有檔案與子目錄
    /U        嘗試處理本機磁碟機上所有的加密檔案。如果
              /N 以外的其他選項一起使用。
    /W        從整個磁碟區的可用未使用空間移除資料。
    /X        將 EFS 憑證與金鑰備份到指定的檔案名稱。
              如果提供 efsfile,將備份用於加密檔案的
              的 EFS 憑證與金鑰。
    /Y        顯示本機電腦中您目前的 EFS 憑證縮圖。
    /ADDUSER  新增使用者到指定的加密檔案。如果提供 CERTHASH,
              加密方式將搜尋具有這個 SHA1 雜湊的憑證。
              如果提供 CERTFILE,加密方式將從檔案解壓
              縮憑證。如果提供 USER,加密方式將嘗試在
              Active Directory 網域服務中尋找該使用者
              清除呼叫使用者在指定伺服器上的 EFS 金鑰快取。
    /REKEY    更新指定的加密檔案以使用目前設定的 EFS
              必須是要移除之憑證的 SHA1 雜湊。

    directory 目錄路徑。
    filename  沒有副檔名的檔案名稱。
    pathname  指定模式、檔案或目錄。
    efsfile   加密檔案的路徑。

    如果不含參數,CIPHER 會顯示目前目錄與該目錄包含之所有檔案的

2010年8月25日 星期三

驅動天使 2.87繁體中文版(通過微軟驗証,正式支援Windows7!)

驅動天使 2.87繁體中文版 通過微軟驗証,正式支援Windows7!

  • 更新時間:2010-03-30
    繁體版下載: 進入下載頁面



    2、能自動檢測頭件的品牌和型號 ,就算不知道硬件是甚麼型號,甚至已經丟失驅動光碟,


Mediacoder cuda

MediaCoder is a free universal media transcoder since 2005. It integrates most popular audio/video codecs and tools in an elegant and transparent manner into an all-in-one transcoding solution. With a flexible and extendable architecture, latest codecs and tools are updated added in constantly. MediaCoder intends to be the swiss army knife for media transcoding in all time.
Features In Brief
  • Converting between most popular audio and video formats
  • Multi-threaded transcoding and job-level parallelization
  • Transcoding with high performance and high quality
  • Flexible control over transcoding parameters
  • Simplified UI for popular mobile devices (PSP, iPhone/iPod etc)
  • Fully standalone, no dependancy on system codecs/splitters
  • Simultaneous Segmental Transcoding (in development)

Typical Applications

  • Improving compression / reducing size for audio/video files
  • Converting media content for playback on multimedia devices
  • Converting media content for online publication or broadcasting
  • Extracting audio track from video files
  • Ripping audio/video discs
  • Fixing corrupted or partial downloaded video files

Supported Fomats

* supported as input only

魔影工厂(Modiac Factory)1.0绿色版 视频格式转换(GUDA)

魔影工厂(Modiac Factory)1.0绿色版 视频格式转换

Windows 7 open Recovery Console


2010年8月24日 星期二

一點通 - 如何解決 Windows 7 出現錯誤訊息【您的帳戶已經停用,請洽詢您的系統管理員】 (MVP 撰寫)


本文由微軟最有價值專家 MVP 周伯恆 提供。微軟十分感謝 MVP 主動地將他們的經驗與上百萬名其他技術使用者交流。MVP 周伯恆 同時也將此篇文章放在他的部落格內,歡迎您按 此處 (http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jerry0822) 瀏覽 MVP 周伯恆 更多的技術文章、經驗分享與觀點。
全部展開 | 全部摺疊

爲什麽當我剛安裝好 Windows 7 時,在輸入完帳號密碼後出現【您的帳戶已經停用。請洽詢您的系統管理員】,按下【確定】後,還是出現要求您輸入帳號密碼。...

爲什麽當我剛安裝好 Windows 7 時,在輸入完帳號密碼後出現【您的帳戶已經停用。請洽詢您的系統管理員】,按下【確定】後,還是出現要求您輸入帳號密碼。


發生這樣的問題,通常是因為 Windows 7 中的 Administrator 帳號被停用,不過只有在虛擬機器上安裝系統才會發生這樣的情況,而在實體機器上是不...

發生這樣的問題,通常是因為 Windows 7 中的 Administrator 帳號被停用,不過只有在虛擬機器上安裝系統才會發生這樣的情況,而在實體機器上是不會發送這樣的問題。

請將系統重新開機,開機時連續不斷按下【F8】,等到開機選單出現後,請在開機選單中選擇【安全模式(含命令提示字元)】。 接下來,請在命令提示字元視窗中,輸入 co...



接下來,請在命令提示字元視窗中,輸入 compmgmt.msc ,完成之後按一下鍵盤上的 Enter 鍵,開啟電腦管理視窗。




我們發現 Administrator內容的【帳戶已停用】為打勾,所以帳號無法登入,請取消勾選後按下【確定】。


接下來請在在命令提示字元輸入 shutdown /r  重新啟動電腦,然後您就可以正常使用帳號密碼登入了。


2010年8月20日 星期五

如何從用戶端電腦上知道它被套用了那一些Group Policy

CMD>gpresult/scope computer /Z

Create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD.


  • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, or Linux.
  • A broadband internet connection to download the distribution's .iso file (unless you're using pre-downloaded files)


UNetbootin can create a bootable Live USB drive, or it can make a "frugal install" on your local hard disk if you don't have a USB drive. It can load distributions by automatically downloading their ISO (CD image) files, or by using existing ISO files, floppy/hard disk images, or kernel/initrd files, for installing other distributions.

The current version has built-in support for automatically downloading and loading the following distributions, though installing other distributions is also supported:

UNetbootin can also be used to load various system utilities, including:
» See List of distributions for which UNetbootin has built-in support.
» See List of all distributions known to work with UNetbootin.
» See List of Custom UNetbootin Versions and Plugins.
» See Using a UNetbootin Plugin.

Installation & Screenshots

  1. If using Windows, run the file, select a distribution, floppy/hard disk image, or kernel/initrd to load, select a target drive (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot once done.

  2. If using Linux, make the file executable (using either the command chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux, or going to Properties->Permissions and checking "Execute"), then start the application, you will be prompted for your password to grant the application administrative rights, then the main dialog will appear, where you select a distribution and install target (USB Drive or Hard Disk), then reboot when prompted.



  3. After rebooting, if you created a Live USB drive by selecting "USB Drive" as your install target, press the appropriate button (usually F1, F2, F12, ESC, or backspace) while your computer is starting up to get to your BIOS boot menu and select USB drive as the startup target; otherwise if there's no boot selection option, go to the BIOS setup menu and change the startup order to boot USB by default. Otherwise, if you did a "frugal install" by selecting "Hard Disk" as your install target, select the UNetbootin entry from the Windows Boot Menu as the system boots up.
» See Live USB Creation Guide.

Removal Instructions (Applicable only to Hard Disk / "frugal installs")

If using Windows, UNetbootin should prompt you to remove it the next time you boot into Windows. Alternatively, you can remove it via Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
If using Linux, re-run the UNetbootin executable (with root priveledges), and press OK when prompted to uninstall.
Removal is only required if you used the "Hard Drive" installation mode; to remove the bootloader from a USB drive, back up its contents and reformat it.
Uninstalling UNetbootin simply removes the UNetbootin entry from your boot menu; if you installed an operating system to a partition using UNetbootin, removing UNetbootin will not remove the OS.
To manually remove a Linux installation, you will have to restore the Windows bootloader using "fixmbr" from a recovery CD, and use Parted Magic to delete the Linux partition and expand the Windows partition.

Installing Other Distributions Using UNetbootin

Download and run UNetbootin, then supply it with the appropriate ISO (CD image) file, floppy/hard disk image, or kernel and initrd files when prompted (see screenshot). Check your distribution's download page to find the appropriate file; if in doubt use the ISO file.

If you're loading an ISO file or floppy/hard disk image, that's all that's required (just press "OK" to start installing); otherwise if you're manually specifying kernel and initrd files and you'd like to specify special booting options, check the distribution's boot configuration files (usually after the "kernel" line in either isolinux.cfg, syslinux.cfg, menu.lst, or grub.conf) and supply them on the "Option" line.

What translations are available, and how can I use them?

A number of translations are included in the latest UNetbootin release. See the Translations Page for the status of each.
If a translation corresponding to your system's native language has already been included into UNetbootin, it should automatically load the corresponding translation. Alternatively, you can force the language to use via the lang=es command-line option, where you substitute es with the the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code for your language.
If you'd like to contribute a translation, please use Launchpad Translations. If you are new to Launchpad, you will first have to join the corresponding Ubuntu Translators group for the language you intend to translate. For information on using the Launchpad Translations system, see the translations help page.
» See UNetbootin Translations


How does UNetbootin work, and what does it do?
For the Live USB creation mode, UNetbootin downloads and extracts an ISO file to your USB drive, generates an appropriate syslinux config file, and makes your USB drive bootable using syslinux.
For the Hard Disk / "frugal install" mode, UNetbootin uses a Windows or Linux-based installer to install a small modification to the bootloader (bootmgr and bcdedit on Vista, grldr and boot.ini for NT-based systems, grub.exe and config.sys for Win9x, or GRUB on Linux, uses the bootloader to boot the desired distribution's installer or to load the system utility, no CD required. After the distribution has been installed, or once done using the system utility, the modification to the bootloader is then undone.
» See USB Drive and Hard Disk Install Modes.
» See How UNetbootin Works.
Does it have any spyware, viruses, trojans, or other malware?
No; though some anti-virus products (Kaspersky) raise "Trojan.generic" warnings due to the auto-uninstall feature, these are false positives. Just make sure you obtain UNetbootin from the official downloads page on Sourceforge not some shady third-party source. If you're absolutely paranoid, you can check the source code and compile it yourself.

Certified by Softpedia.com Linux Format Hottest Pick Brothersoft Editor's Pick
What is it written in, where's the source code, and how can I compile it?
UNetbootin is written in C++, using the Qt4 toolkit. Source code is available from the source zip package, or from the git repository on Sourceforge, or the bzr repository on Launchpad. The Linux version is compiled using g++, while the Windows version is cross-compiled using mingw32. Both use a statically linked version of qt4 (to eliminate external library dependencies). Executables are compressed using UPX to reduce file size.
» See Compiling UNetbootin.
How can I get my distribution supported by UNetbootin?
Create either:
  • An isolinux or GRUB-based ISO file, or
  • A floppy or hard disk image file, or
  • A kernel and initrd file
Which can perform an installation of your distribution, either in Live mode, or via an FTP-install option. Then, file a bug report and provide a link to the kernel/initrd, or disk image file(s), and your support for your distribution will be added in the next release of UNetbootin.
» See List of all distributions known to work with UNetbootin.
How can I create specialized, rebranded, distro-specific releases?
UNetbootin can easily be rebranded and adapted to a specific distribution using either a plugin system, or a series of #define statements, as seen in the unetbootin.h file within the source code. If you are attempting to build a distro-specific version and need additional instructions and details, would like to have your patches merged upstream, or would like to have your custom version added to this list, please file a bug report.
» See UNetbootin Command Line Options.
» See Building a UNetbootin Plugin.
» See Using a UNetbootin Plugin.
» See Building a Custom UNetbootin Version.
» See List of Custom UNetbootin Versions and Plugins.
How can I automate the use of UNetbootin from a script?
» See UNetbootin Command Line Options.
Where can I report bugs, request new features, get help, etc?
If you encounter errors with UNetbootin itself, ask a question or file a bug report. You can also see the Ubuntu Forums (the LiveUSB installation thread or Hard disk installation thread depending on your install mode), or the forum on Boot Land, but only Launchpad (bugs and answers), not the forums, are monitored by developers. However, if it's a distribution or hardware-specific issue, file a bug report against the distribution itself.

License and Credits

UNetbootin was created and written by Geza Kovacs (tuxcantfly), contact info. Translators are listed on the translations page. UNetbootin is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 or above. Site materials can be used, copied, modified, and redistributed freely.
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Wifi Cracker

BackTrack – Penetration Testing Distribution

Welcome to backtrack-linux.org, home of the highest rated and acclaimed Linux security distribution to date. BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. Regardless if you’re making BackTrack your primary operating system, booting from a LiveDVD, or using your favorite thumbdrive, BackTrack has been customized down to every package, kernel configuration, script and patch solely for the purpose of the penetration tester.
BackTrack is intended for all audiences from the most savvy security professionals to early newcomers to the information security field. BackTrack promotes a quick and easy way to find and update the largest database of security tools collection to-date. Our community of users range from skilled penetration testers in the information security field, government entities, information technology, security enthusiasts, and individuals new to the security community. Feedback from all industries and skill levels allows us to truly develop a solution that is tailored towards everyone and far exceeds anything ever developed both commercially and freely available. The BackTrack Project is funded by Offensive Security.

Video mp3 Extractor

Video mp3 Extractor is easy to use tool to extract audio from Video AVI, ASF, WMV files.
Output audio file is mp3, and you can listen extracted audio with your mp3 player without any additional conversion or modification. Video mp3 Extractor provides simple and fast method to rip audio from video and save as MP3.


  • Convert Video Files directly to mp3
  • No additional software required
  • Fast audion extraction algorithm
  • Easy to use interface.

MP3Gain analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume.

Tired of reaching for your volume knob every time your mp3 player changes to a new song?
MP3Gain analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume.
MP3Gain does not just do peak normalization, as many normalizers do. Instead, it does some statistical analysis to determine how loud the file actually sounds to the human ear.
Also, the changes MP3Gain makes are completely lossless. There is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts the mp3 file directly, without decoding and re-encoding.

2010年8月16日 星期一


TimeComX is an award winning automation utility, that can perform various actions after specified time or by a lower deviation of network/processor usage and input device activity. Its resource friendly and easy to operate but also powerful.
TimeComX - Box
Following actions are availabe:
  • Restart, Shutdown
  • Log Off, Lock Computer
  • Hibernation & Suspend Mode
  • Wake up & Play alarm
  • Play any type of audio-file (mp3,ogg,wma,wav..)
  • Execute files ( e.g. batch files )
  • Create Screenshots before an action
The program is equipped with a transparency mode and can be optionally kept in the background by a Tray Icon. A useful feature for parents is the locking-facility by using a password. Once TimeComX is locked and started, it won't stop counting down until your computer e.g. shuts down or you enter the correct password.
TimeComX has one default alarm sound which can be replaced by any sound you like. Within a fixed period of time before the countdown has run out. By request, you will be warned optically and acoustically. If necessary, you have sufficient time to intervene and stop the countdown process.
TimeComX is made available in multiple languages including English, French, German, Italian, Greek, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish.

This software has been designed to be portable. So you can run TimeComX e.g. on an USB-Stick.
TimeComX is distributed as freeware and does not contain spyware, adware or any other kind of malware!


  • Windows®, 7, Vista, XP, 2003 Server
  • 300MHz or higher processor
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • 8 MB of hard disk space
  • Internet access is not required

History ScreenshotFAQ's
Download TimeComX (Stable Release)
Languages Supported: English, Deutsch, Italiano, 正體中文, Español
We are currently waiting for the translations of the new 1.2.3 Release and will publish them in a couple of days. So please be patient. You can also download the outdated 1.2.2 Release.

Download TimeComX *OUTDATED* (Stable Release)
Languages Supported: English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, 正體中文, Ελληνικά

Software Update Monitor

SUMo, which stands for Software Update Monitor. Thanks to SUMo you'll be able to keep your PC up-to-date by using the most recent version of your favorite software ! Unlike build-in auto update features, SUMo tells you if updates are available before you need to use your software.
  • Automatic detection of installed software
  • Detects required updates / patchs for your software
  • Filter / authorize Beta versions (user setting)
  • Ignore list : only tracks software YOU want to track
  • More compatibility and less false positive than others Update Monitors (according to users feedback ;-)
  • Internationalization support.
Best Free Software Update Monitor by Tech Support Alert
Gizmo's Top Pick
Reviews & Online tutorials
  Astuce Internet (French)
  iNT (English)
Translations (included in installation package)
  (if you want to become a translator for this software : click here)


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