2008年3月10日 星期一

List of FTP commands for the Microsoft command-line FTP client

Client commands

  • ! - Runs the specified command on the local computer
  • ? - Displays descriptions for ftp commands
  • append - Appends a local file to a file on the remote computer
  • ascii - Sets the file transfer type to ASCII, the default
  • bell - Toggles a bell to ring after each file transfer command is completed (default = OFF)
  • binary - Sets the file transfer type to binary
  • bye - Ends the FTP session and exits ftp
  • cd - Changes the working directory on the remote computer
  • close - Ends the FTP session and returns to the command interpreter
  • debug - Toggles debugging (default = OFF)
  • delete - Deletes a single file on a remote computer
  • dir - Displays a list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories
  • disconnect - Disconnects from the remote computer, retaining the ftp prompt
  • get - Copies a single remote file to the local computer
  • glob - Toggles filename globbing (wildcard characters) (default = ON)
  • hash - Toggles hash-sign (#) printing for each data block transferred (default = OFF)
  • help - Displays descriptions for ftp commands
  • lcd - Changes the working directory on the local computer
  • literal - Sends arguments, verbatim, to the remote FTP server
  • ls - Displays an abbreviated list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories
  • mdelete - Deletes one or more files on a remote computer
  • mdir - Displays a list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories
  • mget - Copies one or more remote files to the local computer
  • mkdir - Creates a remote directory
  • mls - Displays an abbreviated list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories
  • mput - Copies one or more local files to the remote computer
  • open - Connects to the specified FTP server
  • prompt - Toggles prompting (default = ON)
  • put - Copies a single local file to the remote computer
  • pwd - Displays the current directory on the remote computer (literally, "print working directory")
  • quit - Ends the FTP session with the remote computer and exits ftp (same as "bye")
  • quote - Sends arguments, verbatim, to the remote FTP server (same as "literal")
  • recv - Copies a remote file to the local computer
  • remotehelp - Displays help for remote commands
  • rename - Renames remote files
  • rmdir - Deletes a remote directory
  • send - Copies a local file to the remote computer (same as "put")
  • status - Displays the current status of FTP connections
  • trace - Toggles packet tracing (default = OFF)
  • type - Sets or displays the file transfer type (default = ASCII)
  • user - Specifes a user to the remote computer
  • verbose - Toggles verbose mode (default = ON)
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