2009年9月30日 星期三
二者雖然都是防火牆,但是在功能上其實還是有很大差別的:傳統的nips網絡防火牆說白了就是只有在你使用網絡的時候能夠用上,通過特定的 tcp/ip協議來限定用戶訪問某一ip地址,或者也可以限制網際網路用戶訪問個人用戶和服務器終端,在不連網的情況下是沒有什麼用處的;而hips系統 防 火牆就是限制諸如a進程調用b進程,或者禁止更改或者添加註冊表文件--打個比方說,也就是當某進程或者程序試圖偷偷運行的時候總是會調用系統的一些其他 的資源,這個行為就會被hips檢測到然後彈出警告詢問用戶是否允許運行,用戶根據自己的經驗來判斷該行為是否正確安全,是則放行允許運行,否就不使之運 行,一般來說,在用戶擁有足夠進程相關方面知識的情況下,裝上一個hips軟件能非常有效的防止木馬或者病毒的偷偷運行,這樣對於個人用戶來說,中毒插馬 的可能性就基本上很低很低了.但是,只是裝上個hips也不是最安全的,畢竟--用戶穿上的只是個全透明防彈衣也還是會被某些別有用心的人偷窺去用戶的個 人隱私的,所以,選用一款功能強大而小巧的防火牆也是很重要的--起碼有防止DDOS攻擊和防arp欺騙攻擊功能(對內網用戶尤為重要)!
AD(Application Defend)應用程序防禦系統
RD(Registry Defend)註冊表防禦系統
FD(File Defend)檔案防禦系統
國外的SNS(Safe'n'Sec Personal)--AD+FD+RD,
SSM (System Safety Monitor),PG(ProcessGuard和Port Explorer)--AD+RD,
GSS (Ghost Security Suite)--AD+RD,SS(SafeSystem 2006)--FD.
首先是SSM(System Safety Monitor) --因為我比較喜歡這款:
其次是SNS(Safe'n'Sec Personal)-- 他是唯一3D的哦,它建立在行為分析的基礎上,有最先進的預先偵查系統,可以防止病毒滲 透計算機,破壞信息,對計算機多了一層保護,在計算機保護方面實現重大突破。同時,快速安裝,易於操作的界面,和反病毒軟件和個人防火牆極好的兼容性,智 能的決策技術,最強的保護和對系統運行的最小影響等特點更增加了Safe'n'sec的魅力--汗,這個是官方介紹,我自己覺得是相當的牛了,不過我自己 還沒有用過--這是全英文版本英語太菜,而且沒有破解(專業加密公司出品,想破解難度好大的),在網上看過測評,據說是比GSS+SS還要猛的..我給 SNS打95分
再下來就是GSS(Ghost Security Suite) ,其實用的時間並不是很長,可能沒有多大發言權,不過我個人不是很喜歡這 款,因為貌似不太穩定,在運行大型遊戲的時候,似乎CPU容易飆升,這個不少人如此,不知道是不是此軟件本來就是如此,但是GSS還是相當不錯的--簡單 明瞭,有自己的操作模式,不如SSM來的細緻繁瑣,但是也是相當安全,特別是在配合SS使用之下.不過最不爽的是容易被任務管理器幹掉,我昏,而且長時間 沒有更新了,不知道搞什麼!不過話說回來,現在網路廣泛流傳的GSS亞爾迪破解版還是很不錯的.我給GSS打88分,GSS+SS打92分
最後還提一款hips軟件--Winpooch(因 為沒有用過,所以就只能借用別人的話來說了),相對GSS而言,無疑,GSS的穩定性比 Winpooch略強,但是GSS的規則添加到500條左右的時候就會變得很慢,而且GSS只能監控註冊表,但是,Winpooch不只可以監控註冊表, 還可以監控文件的讀取、寫入,還可以監控網絡連接,而且目前Winpooch已經有600多條規則了,對系統的影響還是很小,軟體推薦給你了,好不好用還 得你自己測試才最實際。
一、 關於Hips的基本概念.
Host Intrusion Prevent System 主機入侵防禦系統。HIPS是一種能監控你電腦中檔案的運行和檔案運用了其 他的檔案以及檔案對註冊表的修改,並向你報告請求允許的軟件。如果你阻止了,那麼它將無法運行或者更改。比如你執行了一個含病毒的程式,HIPS軟體跳出 來提醒你而你阻止 了,那麼病毒就能阻止他運行。引用一句話:」病毒天天變種天天出新,使得防毒軟體可能跟不上病毒的腳步,而HIPS能解決這些問題。」。 HIPS是以後系統 安全發展的一種趨勢,只要你有足夠的專業知識,你可以只用HIPS而不需防毒軟體。但是HIPS並不能稱為防火牆,最多只能叫做系統防火牆,它不能阻止網路上其他電腦對你電腦的攻擊行為。
1:殺毒-- 即對帶毒檔案或病毒本身進行查殺的功能。
2:監控-- 一般具有文件監控,網頁監控(即監控遠程80/8080等常用PORT),郵件監控(即監控POP和SMTP PORT),等。
我們使用的多數個人防火牆基本具有:防止非法入侵(防止內連) 與 防止本地非法外連 的功能,而XP SP2系統提供的防火牆沒有後者的功能。
現在有不少廠商將自己的殺軟和防火牆做成一個網絡防護體系,比如:KIS(卡巴) NIS(諾頓) MIS(咖啡)等。。。
HIPS:Host Intrusion Prevent System 主機入侵防禦系統
所謂hips(主機入侵防禦體系),亦即系統防火牆。它有別於傳統意義上的網絡防火牆(nips)。二者但主要區別是:傳統的nips網絡防只有在你使用 網絡的時候,通過特定的 tcp/ip協議來限定用戶訪問某一ip地址,或者也可以限制互聯網用戶訪問個人用戶和服務器終端;而hips是限制進程被調用,或 者禁止更改或者添加註冊表檔案。當某進程或者程序試圖偷偷運行時,這個行為就會被所hips檢測,然後彈出警告,詢問用戶是否允許放行。一般來說,在用戶 擁有足夠進程相關方面知識的情況下,裝上一個hips軟件能非常有效的防止木馬或者病毒的偷偷運行,以防中毒、插馬的可能性。
三、 HIPS功能的類別
1.AD(Application Defend)應用程序防禦體系、
2.RD(Registry Defend)註冊表防禦體系、
3.FD(File Defend)檔案文件防禦體系。
二者雖然都是防火牆,但是在功能上其實還是有很大差別的:傳統的nips網絡防火牆說白了就是只有在你使用網絡的時候能夠用上,通過特定的 tcp/ip協議來限定用戶訪問某一ip地址,或者也可以限制網際網路用戶訪問個人用戶和服務器終端,在不連網的情況下是沒有什麼用處的;而hips系統 防 火牆就是限制諸如a進程調用b進程,或者禁止更改或者添加註冊表文件--打個比方說,也就是當某進程或者程序試圖偷偷運行的時候總是會調用系統的一些其他 的資源,這個行為就會被hips檢測到然後彈出警告詢問用戶是否允許運行,用戶根據自己的經驗來判斷該行為是否正確安全,是則放行允許運行,否就不使之運 行,一般來說,在用戶擁有足夠進程相關方面知識的情況下,裝上一個hips軟件能非常有效的防止木馬或者病毒的偷偷運行,這樣對於個人用戶來說,中毒插馬 的可能性就基本上很低很低了.但是,只是裝上個hips也不是最安全的,畢竟--用戶穿上的只是個全透明防彈衣也還是會被某些別有用心的人偷窺去用戶的個 人隱私的,所以,選用一款功能強大而小巧的防火牆也是很重要的--起碼有防止DDOS攻擊和防arp欺騙攻擊功能(對內網用戶尤為重要)!
AD(Application Defend)應用程序防禦系統
RD(Registry Defend)註冊表防禦系統
FD(File Defend)檔案防禦系統
國外的SNS(Safe'n'Sec Personal)--AD+FD+RD,
SSM (System Safety Monitor),PG(ProcessGuard和Port Explorer)--AD+RD,
GSS (Ghost Security Suite)--AD+RD,SS(SafeSystem 2006)--FD.
首先是SSM(System Safety Monitor) --因為我比較喜歡這款:
- 提供商業版和免費版兩種版本
- 註冊表監視
- 基本進程監視
- 基本底層磁碟訪問控制
- 底層鍵盤訪問控制
- NT服務監視
- 基本 IE設置跟蹤
- 友善操作界面
其次是SNS(Safe'n'Sec Personal)-- 他是唯一3D的哦,它建立在行為分析的基礎上,有最先進的預先偵查系統,可以防止病毒滲 透計算機,破壞信息,對計算機多了一層保護,在計算機保護方面實現重大突破。同時,快速安裝,易於操作的界面,和反病毒軟件和個人防火牆極好的兼容性,智 能的決策技術,最強的保護和對系統運行的最小影響等特點更增加了Safe'n'sec的魅力--汗,這個是官方介紹,我自己覺得是相當的牛了,不過我自己 還沒有用過--這是全英文版本英語太菜,而且沒有破解(專業加密公司出品,想破解難度好大的),在網上看過測評,據說是比GSS+SS還要猛的..我給 SNS打95分
再下來就是GSS(Ghost Security Suite) ,其實用的時間並不是很長,可能沒有多大發言權,不過我個人不是很喜歡這 款,因為貌似不太穩定,在運行大型遊戲的時候,似乎CPU容易飆升,這個不少人如此,不知道是不是此軟件本來就是如此,但是GSS還是相當不錯的--簡單 明瞭,有自己的操作模式,不如SSM來的細緻繁瑣,但是也是相當安全,特別是在配合SS使用之下.不過最不爽的是容易被任務管理器幹掉,我昏,而且長時間 沒有更新了,不知道搞什麼!不過話說回來,現在網路廣泛流傳的GSS亞爾迪破解版還是很不錯的.我給GSS打88分,GSS+SS打92分
最後還提一款hips軟件--Winpooch(因 為沒有用過,所以就只能借用別人的話來說了),相對GSS而言,無疑,GSS的穩定性比 Winpooch略強,但是GSS的規則添加到500條左右的時候就會變得很慢,而且GSS只能監控註冊表,但是,Winpooch不只可以監控註冊表, 還可以監控文件的讀取、寫入,還可以監控網絡連接,而且目前Winpooch已經有600多條規則了,對系統的影響還是很小,軟體推薦給你了,好不好用還 得你自己測試才最實際。
一、 關於Hips的基本概念.
Host Intrusion Prevent System 主機入侵防禦系統。HIPS是一種能監控你電腦中檔案的運行和檔案運用了其 他的檔案以及檔案對註冊表的修改,並向你報告請求允許的軟件。如果你阻止了,那麼它將無法運行或者更改。比如你執行了一個含病毒的程式,HIPS軟體跳出 來提醒你而你阻止 了,那麼病毒就能阻止他運行。引用一句話:」病毒天天變種天天出新,使得防毒軟體可能跟不上病毒的腳步,而HIPS能解決這些問題。」。 HIPS是以後系統 安全發展的一種趨勢,只要你有足夠的專業知識,你可以只用HIPS而不需防毒軟體。但是HIPS並不能稱為防火牆,最多只能叫做系統防火牆,它不能阻止網路上其他電腦對你電腦的攻擊行為。
1:殺毒-- 即對帶毒檔案或病毒本身進行查殺的功能。
2:監控-- 一般具有文件監控,網頁監控(即監控遠程80/8080等常用PORT),郵件監控(即監控POP和SMTP PORT),等。
我們使用的多數個人防火牆基本具有:防止非法入侵(防止內連) 與 防止本地非法外連 的功能,而XP SP2系統提供的防火牆沒有後者的功能。
現在有不少廠商將自己的殺軟和防火牆做成一個網絡防護體系,比如:KIS(卡巴) NIS(諾頓) MIS(咖啡)等。。。
HIPS:Host Intrusion Prevent System 主機入侵防禦系統
所謂hips(主機入侵防禦體系),亦即系統防火牆。它有別於傳統意義上的網絡防火牆(nips)。二者但主要區別是:傳統的nips網絡防只有在你使用 網絡的時候,通過特定的 tcp/ip協議來限定用戶訪問某一ip地址,或者也可以限制互聯網用戶訪問個人用戶和服務器終端;而hips是限制進程被調用,或 者禁止更改或者添加註冊表檔案。當某進程或者程序試圖偷偷運行時,這個行為就會被所hips檢測,然後彈出警告,詢問用戶是否允許放行。一般來說,在用戶 擁有足夠進程相關方面知識的情況下,裝上一個hips軟件能非常有效的防止木馬或者病毒的偷偷運行,以防中毒、插馬的可能性。
三、 HIPS功能的類別
1.AD(Application Defend)應用程序防禦體系、
2.RD(Registry Defend)註冊表防禦體系、
3.FD(File Defend)檔案文件防禦體系。
Firewall software: Comodo Firewall
Comodo Firewall and AntiVirus is now Comodo Internet Security. The Latest version of our award-winning Firewall.
Download Comodo Firewall + AntiVirus for Windows
Choose Operating System :
System Requirements:
- XP (SP2) / Vista 32 bit
- 64 MB RAM
- 150 MB hard disk space
What's new in this version?
Comodo Internet Security 3.12 includes many new features and services, including Comodo Secure DNS, Comodo HopSurf and the ability to specify alternative URLs for program and virus updates.Release Notes:
Release Date: September 18, 2009
Update: Please see latest release notes.
Installation Options:
During the setup process you will be given the choice to:
- Install the AntiVirus as a standalone
- Install the Firewall as a standalone
- Install both Firewall and AntiVirus
Brower Protect software
1:Trend Protect http://www.trendsecure.com/portal/en-US/tools/security_tools/trendprotect
2:WOT http://www.mywot.com/
3:No Script https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-TW/firefox/addon/722
4:Mcafee Site Advisor http://www.siteadvisor.com/
2:WOT http://www.mywot.com/
3:No Script https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-TW/firefox/addon/722
4:Mcafee Site Advisor http://www.siteadvisor.com/
2009年9月29日 星期二
Removing disconnected mailboxes in Exchange Server 2007
Hello folks,
Exchange Server 2007 doesn't allow us to purge the disconnected mailbox. In order to remove one or multiple disconnected mailboxes we can be performing these steps:
Listing all disconnected mailboxes
Get-MailboxStatistics | where-object { $_.DisconnectDate -ne $null } | Select DisplayName,MailboxGuid
Removing a single entry
Remove-Mailbox -Database "Database-Name" -StoreMailboxIdentity "MailboxGuid" -confirm:$false
Removing all users at the same time
$users = Get-MailboxStatistics | where-object { $_.DisconnectDate -ne $null } | Select DisplayName,MailboxGuid

Exchange Server 2007 doesn't allow us to purge the disconnected mailbox. In order to remove one or multiple disconnected mailboxes we can be performing these steps:
Listing all disconnected mailboxes
Get-MailboxStatistics | where-object { $_.DisconnectDate -ne $null } | Select DisplayName,MailboxGuid
Removing a single entry
Remove-Mailbox -Database "Database-Name" -StoreMailboxIdentity "MailboxGuid" -confirm:$false
Removing all users at the same time
$users = Get-MailboxStatistics | where-object { $_.DisconnectDate -ne $null } | Select DisplayName,MailboxGuid
Now that we have all disconnected mailboxes in a var, we can run the following cmdlet to remove all of them:
$users | ForEach { Remove-Mailbox -Database "Mailbox Database" -StoreMailboxIdentity $_.MailboxGuid -confirm:$false }
2009年9月22日 星期二
If you have a suspicious file you can submit it in the form below and our system will analyze your file with 24 AntiVirus Engines and will report back the analysis result. By submitting files here you agree with the Terms of Service and Privacy policy.
Service load: 0%
File To Scan:
2009年9月21日 星期一
在Windows下建立大型磁碟分割區時,最多只能建立到2TB,即使不需要多個分割區,仍會被迫將磁碟陣列切割為多個分割區,才能充分利用容量,這是什麼原因?如何突破限制? | ||
| ||
在Windows下以實體磁碟機建立基本磁碟時,是以分割(Partition)作為儲存與管理的單位,又分為主 要分割與延伸分割,主要磁碟分割中可存放引導系統開機用的主開機紀錄,藉由MBR分區表(partition table)可啟動各個延伸分割,進而啟始作業系統。 但問題在於受定址能力所限, MBR分割表對應的分割容量上限為2TB,若實體磁碟的容量大於2TB,則必須分割為多個基本磁碟區。 這對只有1~2臺硬碟的一般單機應用環境來說問題不大,但在磁碟陣列應用上就會造成許多限制。考慮到現在的硬碟容量越來越大,單臺容量750GB與1TB的產品都已經上市,若使用這類硬碟建立磁碟陣列,只要用上2或3臺硬碟就會遭遇2TB上限問題。 動態磁碟 微 軟後來在Windows 2000上增加了動態磁碟(Dynamic disks)的概念,可提供基本磁碟所沒有的功能。動態磁碟是以磁碟區(Volume)為管理單位,透過檔案系統之下的磁碟區管理器(Volume Manager),可建立跨越多個磁碟的磁碟區,如跨距或等量磁碟區;或是建立有容錯功能的磁碟區,如鏡像磁碟區與RAID 5 磁碟區。 動態磁碟雖能透過跨距或等量磁碟的方式實現2TB以上的磁碟區,但因為動態磁碟必須透過Volume Manager來執行磁碟區的管理與存取,因此系統存取動態磁碟時必須經過Volume Manager與檔案系統兩層的處理,以致有效能方面的問題。 GUID 磁碟分割 根 本解決方式是提高作業系統對磁碟分割的定址能力,如微軟在Windows Server 2003新增的GUID 磁碟分割表(GUID Partition Table,GPT)。GPT分割表支援的磁碟區分割最大可達18 EB,每個磁碟最多可有128個磁碟分割,相較下傳統的MBR分割則分別只有2TB與4個分割。 但在實際環境中,作業系統支援GPT 分割只是建立2TB以上磁碟區的必要條件之一,其他條件包括磁碟陣列控制器或主機板上內建的磁碟控制晶片必須支援大於2TB的Volume定址,且該控制 器或控制晶片在Windows中的驅動程式也必須支援64位元的邏輯區塊定址(Logical Block Addressing,LBA)。文⊙張明德
Enable Exchange 2010 Anti-Spam Functionality on a Hub Transport Server
Most Exchange 2010 documentation does not refer to the anti-spam features in the context of the Hub Transport server. Therefore, as you read documentation about how to configure, manage, and maintain anti-spam features, remember that all functionality that is documented in the context of the Edge Transport server is also available on the Hub Transport server, unless specifically noted otherwise. |
To perform the following procedures, the account you use must be delegated the following:
The Install-AntispamAgents.ps1 script is copied to the %system drive%/Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts folder. You must run the script from this location.
- Exchange Server Administrator role and local Administrators group for the target server
The Install-AntispamAgents.ps1 script is copied to the %system drive%/Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts folder. You must run the script from this location.
To enable anti-spam functionality on a Hub Transport server
- Run the following command:
- After the script has run, restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service by running the following command:
Restart-Service MSExchangeTransport
In some organizations, the Hub Transport server role is installed on computers that don't process Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) requests directly on the Internet. In this scenario, the Hub Transport server is behind another front-end SMTP server that processes inbound messages directly from the Internet. The Connection Filter agent must be able to extract the correct originating IP address from the message. To extract and evaluate the originating IP address, the Connection Filter agent must parse the Received headers from the message and compare those headers with the known SMTP server in the perimeter network.
When an RFC-compliant SMTP server receives a message, the server updates the message's Received header with the domain name and IP address of the sender. Therefore, for each SMTP server that is between the originating sender and the Hub Transport server, the SMTP server adds an additional Received header entry.
You must specify all internal SMTP servers on the transport configuration object in the Active Directory directory service forest before you run connection filtering. Specify the internal SMTP servers by using the InternalSMTPServers parameter on the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet. For more information about how to use the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet, see Set-TransportConfig.
When messages are received by the computer that runs connection filtering, the IP address in the Received header that does not match the IP address of an SMTP server in your perimeter network is assumed to be the originating IP address.
When an RFC-compliant SMTP server receives a message, the server updates the message's Received header with the domain name and IP address of the sender. Therefore, for each SMTP server that is between the originating sender and the Hub Transport server, the SMTP server adds an additional Received header entry.
You must specify all internal SMTP servers on the transport configuration object in the Active Directory directory service forest before you run connection filtering. Specify the internal SMTP servers by using the InternalSMTPServers parameter on the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet. For more information about how to use the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet, see Set-TransportConfig.
When messages are received by the computer that runs connection filtering, the IP address in the Received header that does not match the IP address of an SMTP server in your perimeter network is assumed to be the originating IP address.
2009年9月20日 星期日
2009年9月18日 星期五
Event ID 12014 may appear in Exchange 2007 Application Event Log
SYMPTOMSEvent ID 12014 may appear in the Application event log of CAS/HUB Transport/Edg...
- Event ID 12014 may appear in the Application event log of CAS/HUB Transport/Edge server:
"Microsoft Exchange couldn't find a certificate that contains the domain name mail.domainname.com
in the personal store on the local computer. Therefore, it is unable to offer the STARTTLS SMTP
verb for any connector with a FQDN parameter of mail.domainname.com.
Verify the connector configuration and the installed certificates to make sure that there is
a certificate with a domain name for every connector FQDN."
2. The SMTP connector may fail to support TLS connection.
CAUSEThe Exchange server, may setup to use wrong certificate or doesn't setup to use...
The Exchange server, may setup to use wrong certificate or doesn't setup to use certificate.
- The certificate should reflect the external FQDN name of the server.
RESOLUTION1. Open "Exchange Management Shell". 2. Write "get-ExchangeCertificate" and pr...
1. Open "Exchange Management Shell".
2. Write "get-ExchangeCertificate" and press on "Enter" button.
3. Write down the Thumbprint of the certificate that reflect the required FQDN name of the server.
4. Review the current certificate that use by the Exchange server and
each certificate function.
5. Write "Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint 2afd26617915932ad096c48eb3b847fc7457662 -Services "SMTP"
and press on 'Enter" button.
- The value of -Thumbprint obtained in stage 3.
6. Restart the Exchange server.
2009年9月17日 星期四
首次執行Outlook 2007時出現登錄'VB Script DLL 失敗'(轉自loch的空間)
首次執行 Outlook 2007 時出現 "登錄 VB Script. DLL 失敗。請重新安裝或執行 Regsvr32.exe Vbscript.dll 來進行自行登錄。" 及 "作業失敗。" 之錯誤訊息, 導致無法啟動 Outlook 2007.
此問題之出現是跟 Windows 系統地區或系統語言之設定 (例如 中文-香港特別行政區或 英文-美國) 與所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言 (繁體中文-台灣版) 兩者不相容有關.
[解決方法 1 - 適合安裝後]
變更 Office 的 "主要編輯語言" 設定值以配合所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言.
執行 "Microsoft Office 2007 語言設定" 修改語言: (以 Vista 選單為例) 開始功能表
> 所有程式 > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office 工具 > Microsoft Office 2007 語言設定
將 "主要編輯語言" 改為 "中文 (台灣)" (即與所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言相同) 後再按 "確定" 離開, 在彈出的警告對話方塊中按 "是".
註: 安裝 Outlook 2007 時必須選取 "Office 工具" 底下的 "語言設定工具" 元件
(或使用預設的安裝選項), 才會出現上述選單, 否則要執行 Office 的安裝程式, 自行新增這個元件.
[解決方法 2 - 適合安裝前]
變更 Windows 的 "系統地區設定" 以配合所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言.
在安裝 Office 之前, 先到控制台修改 "系統地區設定": (以 Vista 選單為例) 開始功能表 > 控制台 > 時鐘、語言和區域 > 地區及語言選項 > 系統管理 頁籤
按下 "變更系統地區設定..." 將目前的系統地區設定改為 "中文 (台灣)" (即與所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言相同) 後再按 "確定" 離開, 接受要求重新啟動電腦, 然
後才安裝 Office.
此問題之出現是跟 Windows 系統地區或系統語言之設定 (例如 中文-香港特別行政區或 英文-美國) 與所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言 (繁體中文-台灣版) 兩者不相容有關.
[解決方法 1 - 適合安裝後]
變更 Office 的 "主要編輯語言" 設定值以配合所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言.
執行 "Microsoft Office 2007 語言設定" 修改語言: (以 Vista 選單為例) 開始功能表
> 所有程式 > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office 工具 > Microsoft Office 2007 語言設定
將 "主要編輯語言" 改為 "中文 (台灣)" (即與所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言相同) 後再按 "確定" 離開, 在彈出的警告對話方塊中按 "是".
註: 安裝 Outlook 2007 時必須選取 "Office 工具" 底下的 "語言設定工具" 元件
(或使用預設的安裝選項), 才會出現上述選單, 否則要執行 Office 的安裝程式, 自行新增這個元件.
[解決方法 2 - 適合安裝前]
變更 Windows 的 "系統地區設定" 以配合所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言.
在安裝 Office 之前, 先到控制台修改 "系統地區設定": (以 Vista 選單為例) 開始功能表 > 控制台 > 時鐘、語言和區域 > 地區及語言選項 > 系統管理 頁籤
按下 "變更系統地區設定..." 將目前的系統地區設定改為 "中文 (台灣)" (即與所安裝的 Office 2007 本身之語言相同) 後再按 "確定" 離開, 接受要求重新啟動電腦, 然
後才安裝 Office.
Windows Freeware TreeSize Free
Every hard disk is too small if you just wait long enough. TreeSize Free tells you where precious space has gone to. TreeSize Free can be started from the context menu of a folder or drive and shows you the size of this folder, including its subfolders. You can expand this folder in Explorer-like style and you will see the size of every subfolder. Scanning is done in a thread, so you can already see results while TreeSize Free is working. The space, which is wasted by the file system, can be displayed and the results can be printed in a report. TreeSize Free is freeware for Windows 2000/XP/Vista. Users of Windows 9x/ME can download last compatible version TreeSize Free V2.1.
Take a look at the powerful analysis and management functions of TreeSize Professional.
| |
Take a look at the powerful analysis and management functions of TreeSize Professional.
2009年9月16日 星期三
Windows 7 的遠端伺服器管理工具
- 支援的作業系統: Windows 7; Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 7 的「遠端伺服器管理工具」可在 x86 或 x64 版本的 Windows 7 上執行,而且可用來管理在 x64 型 Windows Server 2008 R2 作業系統之 Server Core 或完整安裝選項上執行的角色與功能。此外,也支援從遠端管理某些在 Windows Server 2008 或 Windows Server 2003 上執行的角色與功能。
Windows 7 的「遠端伺服器管理工具」不應該安裝在執行 Windows Server 2003 系統管理工具包或 Windows 2000 Server® 系統管理工具包的電腦上。安裝 Windows 7 的「遠端伺服器管理工具」之前,請先從電腦上移除所有版本的「系統管理工具包」或 Windows Vista SP1 的「遠端伺服器管理工具」。
一次只能在電腦上安裝一份 Windows 7 的「遠端伺服器管理工具」。在安裝新套件之前,請移除現有的 Windows 7 的「遠端伺服器管理工具」,包括任何不同語言的版本。
如需 Windows 7 的「遠端伺服器管理工具」中可用工具的詳細資訊,以及這些工具支援之作業系統的資訊,請參閱知識庫文章 958830 (可能為英文網頁)。
2009年9月15日 星期二
2009年9月14日 星期一
SpeedyFox - Boost Firefox in One Click!
| Your Firefox is working slowly? Boost Firefox in a single click with SpeedyFox absolutely for free! You get: Latest version: 1.2, Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Mozilla Firefox is a fast browser, but with the lapse of time it starts working much slowly. The reason is fragmentation of profile databases. A free tool SpeedyFox is designed specially to resolve that problem. The method used in SpeedyFox is 100% safe for your profile (e.g. bookmars, passwords, etc), it's well documented and tested on many computers. Learn more |
防止被還原(Right Click)
From XCRYSoft :
EZ Wipe gives you the opportunity to permanently remove files from your system in the easiest possible way, being integrated in Windows Explorer when you right-click any files and folders. Using the standard wiping methods like Russian GOST, DOD 5220.22M, German VSITR, Pfitzner, Schneier and Gutmann, EZ Wipe will let no chance for data recovery. Version 2.9.5 includes Canadian RCMP TSSIT OPS-II wipe method.
EZ Wipe gives you the opportunity to permanently remove files from your system in the easiest possible way, being integrated in Windows Explorer when you right-click any files and folders. Using the standard wiping methods like Russian GOST, DOD 5220.22M, German VSITR, Pfitzner, Schneier and Gutmann, EZ Wipe will let no chance for data recovery. Version 2.9.5 includes Canadian RCMP TSSIT OPS-II wipe method.
pcBaseline has received the highest editor’s rating (5 out of 5 stars) by CNET Download.com… “This top-notch application lets you categorically view changes on your system, though novices may initially be overwhelmed with all the options it offers. pcBaseline's interface is clean and straightforward, and presents system aspects, such as Processes, Services, Run, and Browsers, in a tree-like manner while displaying the current and baseline tasks. Creating baselines and snapshots of the current state of a selected system aspect is simple, thanks to the program's Wizards. From there, you can easily identify changes made to your computer by comparing the baselines and its current status. The program generates reports regarding changes, including items added, removed, and modified. pcBaseline's reports are exportable as text, HTML, or Excel files. Though novices may be overwhelmed at first glance, the application's user guide and Wizard functionality will be a great help. Users looking for an effective tool to monitor changes on their systems will find this application quite adequate.” | Featured On: |
PlacesCleaner 收藏庫清潔工 0.3
作者: Irvin Chen
版本 | 0.3 |
相容於 | Firefox: 3.5 – 3.7a1pre |
已更新 | 2009 年 09 月 5 日 |
開發者 | Irvin Chen |
評分 | 評分:5 / 5 顆星 7 篇意見 |
下載次數 | 4,515 統計資訊 |
這個套件同時能處理,某些問題版本 Google Toolbar 所造成的收藏庫(places.sqlite)肥胖問題,
(在某些案例中,Places.sqlite 甚至會大到數百 MB)
LAN Speed Test 1.1
From Totusoft :
LAN Speed Test is a utility designed to accurately measure LAN speeds. LAN Speed Test is a portable windows application that works with any windows system. No installation needed, no dll's and leaves nothing in your windows registry. Version 1.1 features an option to delete the test file or not.
LAN Speed Test is a utility designed to accurately measure LAN speeds. LAN Speed Test is a portable windows application that works with any windows system. No installation needed, no dll's and leaves nothing in your windows registry. Version 1.1 features an option to delete the test file or not.
Active@ KillDisk - Hard Drive Eraser is powerful and compact software that allows you to destroy all data on hard and floppy drives completely, excluding any possibility of future recovery of deleted files and folders. It's a hard drive and partition eraser utility.
If you use FDISK, FORMAT utilities, or DELETE standard operating system command for data removal, there is always a chance to recover deleted files (using undelete utility or some data recovery software) and use against the owner's will. We highly recommend you to run this FREE utility for the hard and floppy drives you want to dispose of, recycle, re-use, sell or donate to somebody.
Active@ KillDisk conforms to US Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard DoD 5220.22-M. The most secure Gutmann's data destruction method is also implemented.
Both WIPE and KILL functions support 17 security standards from various countries such as USA, Canada, Germany and others. You can be sure that once you clean up with Active@ KillDisk, sensitive information is purged out forever.
What’s new in version 5.1 (Windows application):
It can work with DOS, New! Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP / 2000 / NT / XP Professional x64 / XP Home x64/ 2003 Server x64, Linux, Unix for PC etc...
Active@ KillDisk - Hard Drive Eraser is powerful and compact software that allows you to destroy all data on hard and floppy drives completely, excluding any possibility of future recovery of deleted files and folders. It's a hard drive and partition eraser utility.
If you use FDISK, FORMAT utilities, or DELETE standard operating system command for data removal, there is always a chance to recover deleted files (using undelete utility or some data recovery software) and use against the owner's will. We highly recommend you to run this FREE utility for the hard and floppy drives you want to dispose of, recycle, re-use, sell or donate to somebody.
Active@ KillDisk conforms to US Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard DoD 5220.22-M. The most secure Gutmann's data destruction method is also implemented.
Both WIPE and KILL functions support 17 security standards from various countries such as USA, Canada, Germany and others. You can be sure that once you clean up with Active@ KillDisk, sensitive information is purged out forever.
What’s new in version 5.1 (Windows application):
- New! 5.1 version supports 17 security standards from various countries such as:
- Bruce Schneier's algorithm
Canadian OPS-II
DoD 5220.22 M
Gutmann's algorithm
German VSITR
HMG IS5 Baseline
HMG IS5 Enhanced
Navso P-5329-26 (RL)
Navso P-5329-26 (MFM)
Russian GOST p50739-95
US Army AR380-19
US Air Force 5020
One-pass zeros method
One-pass random characters method
User defined method (user’s pattern and specified number of passes)
User-defined number of passes (up to 99)
- Bruce Schneier's algorithm
- New Wipe function that wipes out all unused space on existing drives, not touching existing data.
- Professional package now includes Windows Vista-based Bootable Disk Creator that allows you to boot Windows Vista from CD/DVD/USB, and to erase or wipe out your disks in Windows environment. USB Plug'n'Play devices are supported.
- The FREE application can be registered with a registration key without re-installation to be able to erase data using DoD 5220.22-M and other methods.
- New Wipe function that wipes out all unused space on existing drives, not touching existing data.
- Package now includes an additional REAL-MODE application (KD_REAL.EXE) which is more compatible with different types of hardware and more compact in size.
It can work with DOS, New! Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP / 2000 / NT / XP Professional x64 / XP Home x64/ 2003 Server x64, Linux, Unix for PC etc...
Feature | Free | Professional |
Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive or logical partition | | |
Erases partitions, logical drives and unused disk space | | |
Supports IDE / ATA / SATA / SCSI hard disk drives | | |
Supports fixed disks, floppies, zip drives, FlashMedia drives | | |
Supports large-sized drives (more than 128GB) | | |
Supports Command Line mode (can be run with no user interaction) | | |
Operates from bootable floppy disk or bootable CD (DOS version) Operates from bootable CD/DVD, USB (Windows version) | | |
New! Supports 17 security standards: | ||
Erases with one-pass zeros | | |
Erases with one-pass random characters | ||
Erases with user defined method, using user’s pattern and specified number of passes New! | | |
Erases with user-defined number of passes (up to 99) | ||
US Department of Defense 5220.22 M | ||
US Department of Defense 5220.22 M (ECE) New! | ||
US Army AR380-19 New! | ||
US Air Force 5020 New! | ||
Navso P-5329-26 (MFM) New! | ||
Navso P-5329-26 (RL) New! | ||
NCSC-TG-025 New! | ||
Canadian OPS-II New! | ||
HMG IS5 Baseline New! | ||
HMG IS5 Enhanced New! | ||
German VISTR | ||
Bruce Schneier New! | ||
Gutmann's method | ||
Russian GOST p50739-95 | ||
Customizable security levels | ||
Supports all detected hard disk drives | | |
Erasing report is created and can be saved as a file | | |
Includes Console Application to run and erase data under Windows | | |
Displays detected drive and partition information | | |
Scans NTFS and FAT volumes and displays existing and deleted files and folders | | |
Data verification may be performed after erasing is completed | | |
Disk Viewer allows you to preview any sectors or file clusters on a drive | | |
Operates in DOS real mode, the most secure and reliable environment | | |
Wipes out NTFS, FAT32, FAT16 and FAT12 volumes from areas containing deleted and unused data | | |
Wipes out free clusters (unused by file data sectors) | | |
Wipes out file slack space (unused bytes in the last cluster occupied by file) | | |
Wipes out deleted MFT and ROOT system records | | |
Wipes out unused space in any MFT records and compressed clusters | | |
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