2010年1月21日 星期四

Install the Windows Server Backup Feature on Server Core

Before you can back up a Server Core computer, you must install the Windows Server Backup feature. This can be done in two ways:
  • From the command line, using the Ocsetup command
  • By using an answer file during an unattended installation of Server Core
From the Command Line
Using Ocsetup.exe, you can install the Windows Server Backup feature with the following command:
C:\Users\Administrator.FABRIKAM>start /w ocsetup WindowsServerBackup

To verify the result, you can use this:
C:\Users\Administrator.FABRIKAM>oclist | find " Installed"

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Using an Answer File
You can also install the Windows Server Backup feature using an answer file. To do so, simply perform the following steps:
1. Begin by creating and configuring an answer file for unattended installation of Server Core. For information on how to do this, see Chapter 2, “Deploying Server Core.”
2. On your technician computer, open your answer file in Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM).
3. In the Windows Image pane, expand the Packages node to display the nodes beneath it. Expand the Foundation node to display the Microsoft-Windows-ServerCore-Package node beneath that. Then right-click the address Microsoft-Windows-ServerCore-Package node and select Add To Answer File. The Microsoft-Windows-ServerCore-Package should now be selected in the Answer File pane.

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