2010年3月31日 星期三








www. bitower.net


2010年3月30日 星期二

ResizeEnable v1.4 - 讓你調整不能調整大小的視窗

遇過沒有辦法調整大小的視窗、對話方塊嗎?ResizeEnable 將通常無法調整大小的視窗、對話方塊變成「可以調整大小」,讓你善用螢幕的每一吋空間,或是看清楚對話方塊的內容。

雖然大部分的視窗可以 調整大小,但是有些視窗及對話方塊卻取消這個功能,要是你有「超大」螢幕,或是對話方塊中的文字、按鈕被「擠」到邊界外面了,你只能乾瞪眼~。

ResizeEnable 讓你解除這個限制,將通常無法調整大小的視窗、對話方塊變成「可以調整大小」,讓你看得清清楚楚地~。ResizeEnable 能解除絕大部分視窗的大小限制,但是還是有部分的視窗沒有辦法,這就得靠你自己去嘗試了。

執行 ResizeEnable 之後,它會乖乖地待在系統工具列中,將滑鼠移動到平常不能調整大小的視窗或對話方塊的邊緣上,你就可以知道這個視窗有沒有解除限制了。如果出現能調整大小 的雙箭頭,那這個視窗就能像平常的操作方式一樣被調整大小。

ResizeEnable will let you turn usually non-resizeable windows into resizeable windows
ResizeEnable will let you turn usually non-resizeable
windows into resizeable windows.
Most windows will respond correctly, but some may not! Now you can resize any window.



MSN(正式名稱是Windows Live Messenger,不過大家還是慣稱MSN吧)每次接收好友的檔案都會存放在指定的資料夾內(預設是「我的文件\我已接收的檔案」),若有需要分類時, 需自行將檔案從指定的資料夾拷貝到自己分類的資料夾中,諸多人工處理總是令人覺得很不方便。在此介紹一個方法,透過新版的MSN(MSN 2009)掃毒軟體設定功能,去執行批次檔以自動處理下載後的資料檔!

  1. 首先,我們先用記事本(Notepad.exe)寫一個簡易分類功能的批次檔(C:\TEST\RCV.BAT),判斷外面傳進的檔案參數,若副檔 名為.7z 就將資料複製到「C:\TEST\ZIP」這個目錄下,然後自動開啟該目錄內的.7z壓縮檔案。若傳進副檔名為DOC則將檔案拷貝到「C:\TEST \DOC」目錄下。以此類推,有需要特別處理的檔案類型就再修改指令就可以了。另外需注意的是副檔名在進行if 判斷時大小寫是有差異的唷。
    MSN auto-1
  2. 當批次檔製作完成後,我們要先透過MSN的掃毒設定,將掃毒程式設定成去執行我們在步驟1撰寫的批次檔C:\TEST\RCV.BAT,請參考圖 2,由MSN功能表【工具】→【選項】→【檔案傳輸】之設定,輸入批次檔名後按〔確定〕,就大功告成啦。
    圖例 MSN版本為 2009 (build14.0.8089.726)
    MSN auto-2
  3. MSN設定完成後,就開始來測試吧。圖3是測試傳送.7z壓縮檔後的結果,.7z檔接收完畢後,透過RCV.BAT而啟動7-Zip自動打開壓縮檔 案,接收的檔案也會自動拷貝到分類資料夾裡,從而達到自動化處理的目標。
    MSN auto-3
  4. 接下來,看看剛剛接收的檔案受否有拷貝到「C:\TEST\ZIP」這個目錄下吧!如圖4,剛剛下載的檔案已經有拷貝過來了,這樣就可以好好的規劃 怎麼利用批次檔作其它事情囉。
    MSN auto-4

2010年3月29日 星期一

Windows7 命令(溫故知新)

robocopy : 全名Robust File Copy,即是把檔案複製的指令,功能比xcopy全面
/xj:不跟從原有NTFS連接點(Junction Point),這命令不加入,會有不少麻煩.





首先,发送方邮件服务器必须严格按照RFC821(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)国际标准,同时要符合RFC1035(Domain names - 

implementation and specification)国际标准所指定的域名命名法。
其次,因不符合目前新浪的反垃圾策略被拒,得到的错误代码为以下几种,请投诉方根据日 志或错误代码进行修改。

3.1 错误代码:450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname
错误原因:对 方服务器未设置反向解析
处理方式:请参考中国互联网协会反垃圾中心提供的设置方式:http://www.anti-spam.cn /ShowArticle.php?id=2269

3.2 错误代码:450 4.7.1 Helo command rejected: Host not found
处理方式:请检查其 HELO命令提供的域名信息,且保证其符合RFC1035国际标准的规定。

3.3 错误代码:504 5.5.2 Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname
错误原因:对方服务器的HELO信息不是完整 的域名

3.4 错误代码:501 5.5.2 Helo command rejected: Invalid name
错误原因:对方服务器的HELO信息包 含非法的字符
请对方按照RFC1035国际标准规定,对其HELO信息 设置进行修改。

3.5 错误代码:554 5.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Dynamic IP
错 误原因:对方服务器使用动态IP
处理方式:请对方查看中华人民共和国信息产业部令第38号《互联网电子邮件服务管理办法》中的第四条:第四条 提供互联网电子邮件服

务,应当事先取得增值电信业务经营许可或者依法履行非经营性互联网信息服务备案手续。未取得增值电信业务经营许可或 者未履行非经营性


3.6 错误代码:554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; See http://antispam.sina.com.cn/denyip.php?IP=*.*.*.*
错误原因:对方服务器IP被国际权威的反 垃圾组织列入黑名单
处理方式:请对方访问http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/ip4r.ch?ip=查询并申请解封。 解封后即恢复正常。


Windows 7的服務是透過Regedit的設定啟動,但係Safe Mode下則不會載入,要啟動的話,開始>CMD>c:windowssystem32XXXXX.exe即可,其中XXXXX是該Services 名稱

2010年3月23日 星期二

Free VPN Client Software

OpenVPN Technologies is a privately held company based in the Pleasanton, California, integrating a suite of leading-edge networking and software technologies. OpenVPN Technologies has designed and deployed a virtual network software that provides secure, reliable, and scalable communication services, not only fulfilling the requirements of the traditional virtual private network (VPN) market, but also addressing the demands of next wave web-scale VPN services. OpenVPN, our award-winning open source VPN product, has established itself as a de-facto standard in the open source networking space, with over 3 million downloads since inception. OpenVPN Technologies is the provider of next-generation secure and scalable communication services, implementing its business plan through strategic partnerships with key application software providers and marketing its product to SMB market place through its OpenVPN web site that is experiencing more than 250,000 new SMB users, prospects, and customers per month.


Shrew Soft Inc is a small company based out of Austin Texas. We specialize in providing free products that can be used to leverage the power of advanced Open Source Operating Systems such as Linux and FreeBSD.
Please have a look at our products and take them for a test drive.


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Tip If your system is crashed or Linux based bootable CD fails to restore the system, we recommend you to restore system with WinPE based bootable CD which is more powerful than Linux one: operate without installation, support Windows 7 and Hardware Raid, etc.
Tip Please download the ZIP package and extract its contents with the utility WinZip.

2010年3月21日 星期日

When you use Outlook with an Exchange 2007 mailbox, you cannot connect to Exchange 2007, and you receive an error message

Method 1: Create an Exchange 2007 public folder tree

If you do not have an existing public folder tree and you are trying to connect with a Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or earlier client, you cannot access an Exchange 2007 mailbox. This problem may occur when you delete the last existing public folder store.

Create an Exchange 2007 public folder store. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Console.
  2. Expand Server Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
  3. Right-click the storage group that you want to modify, and then click New Public Folder Database.
  4. Create the public folder database by using the New Public Folder Database wizard.
If you are using an Outlook 2003 client or an earlier verison of an Outlook client, you must restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service before you can connect to Exchange 2007.

Method 2: Enable MAPI for your mailbox or use a different method to connect to Exchange 2007

Determine whether MAPI is disabled for your mailbox. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
  2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
    Get-CasMailbox MailboxName | FL mapienabled
    If this command returns False, MAPI is disabled for your mailbox.
If MAPI is disabled for your mailbox, use one of the following methods:
  • Enable MAPI for your mailbox. To enable MAPI for your mailbox, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
    2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
      Set-CasMailbox MailboxName -mapienabled:$true
  • Connect to Exchange 2007 by using one of the following methods:
    • Create an e-mail account in Outlook that uses the Post Office Protocol (POP 3) server type.
    • Create an e-mail account in Outlook that uses the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) server type.
    • Use the Outlook Web Access (OWA) Web client.

Method 3: Enable encryption for the Exchange 2007 connection

  1. Determine whether an encrypted connection is required for your mailbox. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
    2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
      Get-MailboxServer ServerName | FL MAPIEncryptionRequired
      If this command returns True, you must connect to Exchange 2007 by using an encrypted profile.
  2. Enable encryption for the Exchange 2007 connection. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, click Run, type control, and then click OK.
    2. Double-click Mail, and then click Show Profiles.
    3. Select your profile, and then click Properties.
    4. Click E-mail Accounts, select View or Change Existing E-mail Accounts, and then click Next.
    5. Select the Exchange account, and then click Change.
    6. Click More Settings, and then click the Security tab.
    7. Click to select the Encrypt data between Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server check box.
    8. Click OK, click Next, click Finish, and then click Close.

Method 4: Enable Cached Exchange Mode for your mailbox, or disable the requirement for your mailbox to use Cached Exchange Mode

  1. Determine whether Cached Exchange Mode is required for your mailbox. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
    2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
      Get-CasMailbox MailboxName | FL MAPIBlockOutlookNonCachedMode
      If this command returns True, you must connect to Exchange 2007 by using Cached Exchange Mode.
  2. Enable Cached Exchange Mode for your mailbox, or disable the requirement for a mailbox to connect to Exchange 2007 by using Cached Exchange Mode.
    • Enable Cached Exchange Mode for your mailbox. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Click Start, click Run, type control, and then click OK.
      2. Double-click Mail, and then click Show Profiles.
      3. Select your profile, and then click Properties.
      4. Click E-mail Accounts, select View or Change Existing E-mail Accounts, and then click Next.
      5. Select the Exchange account, and then click Change.
      6. Click to select the Use Cached Exchange Mode check box.
      7. Click Next, click Finish, and then click Close.
    • Disable the requirement for a mailbox to connect to Exchange 2007 by using Cached Exchange Mode. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
      2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
        Set-CasMailbox MailboxName -MAPIBlockOutlookNonCachedMode:$false

Method 5: Enable RPC/HTTP mode for your mailbox

  1. Determine whether RPC/HTTP mode is disabled for your mailbox. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
    2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
      Get-CasMailbox MailboxName | FL MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp
      If this command returns True, you cannot connect to Exchange 2007 by using RPC/HTTP.
  2. Enable RPC/HTTP mode for your mailbox. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
    2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
      Set-CasMailbox MailboxName -MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp:$false

Method 6: Unblock your version of Outlook in Exchange 2007

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756/ ) How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

A version of Outlook can be blocked in Exchange 2007 in one of the following two ways:
  • A version of Outlook can be blocked by modifying the registry. For more information about how a version of Outlook is blocked by using the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    288894  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/288894/ ) How to disable MAPI client access to a computer that is running Exchange Server
    To unblock a version of Outlook by using the registry, you can modify or remove the registry data that is described in this Knowledge Base article.
  • A version of Outlook can be blocked for a mailbox by using an Exchange Management Shell command that resembles the following command:
    Set-CasMailbox -MAPIBlockOutlookVersions:"-11.8010.8036"
    This command blocks any version of Outlook that is earlier (previous) than 11.8010.8036.

    Set-CasMailbox -MAPIBlockOutlookVersions:"11.8010.8036-"

    This command blocks any version of Outlook that is later (older) than 11.8010.8036.

    To determine what version of Outlook is connecting to Exchange 2007 you can do one of the following.
    • Download and run ExMon from the following Web site:
      http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=9a49c22e-e0c7-4b7c-acef-729d48af7bc9 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=9a49c22e-e0c7-4b7c-acef-729d48af7bc9)
    • Use an Exchange 2007 Management Shell command:
      To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
      2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
        Get-LogonStatistics  | FL*client*
      Note When you see the build number it will look something like this. "11.0.8010.8036"
      You will need to truncate the 0 so that is looks like this "11.8010.8036"
    To unblock a version of Outlook for a mailbox in Exchange 2007, use an Exchange Management Shell command. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell.
    2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:
      Set-CasMailbox MailboxName -MAPIBlockOutlookVersions:$null

2010年3月18日 星期四

Pc screen monitor

iTALC is a use- and powerful didactical tool for teachers. It lets you view and control other computers in your network in several ways. It supports Linux and Windows 2000/XP (Vista support will come) and it even can be used transparently in mixed environments!

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Free gDoc Creator™ – the only enterprise-resilient PDF and XPS creator and viewer available for free!

Convert all your MS Office docs to PDF for free!
Create, view and print quality PDF files using gDoc Creator, the easiest way to convert documents from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint into PDF or XPS! Unlike other free PDF conversion tools you can create your PDF files instantly in one click from your MS Office application toolbar (Office 2003 and 2007). Converting your files has never been easier!

Talking Photo

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Free RAW converter.

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What's My Computer Doing

Can you trust your PC?

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But perhaps even you are curious why your hard disk LED is sometimes flashing. Or why the CPU fan gets louder even if you're not doing anything.

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System reuirements
Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, NT

Free Drive Copy and Wiping Software CopyWipe™

Version 1.14 made available on May 23, 2006
CopyWipe™ is a utility for copying or securely overwriting (wiping/erasing) entire hard drives. CopyWipe can ease and expedite the transition to a new hard drive by copying the entire contents of one drive to another. CopyWipe can also help prevent confidential or private data from being recovered, by securely wiping the contents of a drive. A number of options are provided for wiping, most of which exceed governmental standards (such as DoD 5220.22-M, NAVSO P-5239-26, etc.); this allows the user to choose an optimal balance between security and duration of the wiping operation.
A USB 2.0-to-IDE adapter, along with CopyWipe, provides a convenient method to create and maintain a complete hard drive mirrored backup. Click here for an example of a USB 2.0-to-IDE adapter and here for another.
Best of all, CopyWipe is now FREE!
The following downloads are available:
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Seagate DiscWizard

DiscWizard makes adding a new hard drive much easier. It can be used in several different ways. For example, you can use it to copy all the data from an old drive to the new one. The new drive will have the operating system, and will be bootable. DiscWizard can also partition and format a new drive for additional storage.
We have updated DiscWizard to better fit the needs of today’s technology (improved USB support, improved support for diagnostic partitions, and Windows Vista support). The newer tools are below.

Installing a New Drive

If you are setting up your new drive, you can use the install instruction links below to assist in mounting the drive, then use the tools built into your operating system to prepare the drive.
Hardware setup instructions:
ATA Hard Drives
SATA Hard Drives
Operating system preparation instructions:
Windows Vista
Windows XP / Windows 2000
Windows 98/ME
MacOS 10.x

Data Migration

If you are upgrading and want to migrate your data from the old drive to the new drive we provide DiscWizard as an option. Check out our instructional video on how to use DiscWizard to replace your hard drive.


If you are experiencing a capacity limitation where you may have used a Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO) in the past, we now offer the following resolutions:
  • Check for BIOS updates. If you are running into a hardware limit of an older ATA or SATA controller, there may be a downloadable update for that controller.
  • If the controller does not offer a BIOS update then there are several vendors that offer PCI cards that will allow you to see the full capacity of the drive.