Do you have images (e.g. vacation pictures, screenshots ...) that you want to resize, rename, sort, realign, change format or add a watermark without having to use complicated image editing tools? Easy Image Modifier is exactly what you need because it's absolutely straightforward, runs with no need for installation and even most advanced operations are set up with just a few mouse-clicks. It allows you to modify batches of images quickly to be send via e-mail, posted on the Internet or just for archiving purposes!
The program offers many interesting features: You can change the dimension of your images (fixed value for width and height or by percentage), mirror or rotate them, rename the file, set a watermark text and also choose to convert the format to common Jpg, Png or Bmp. Even advanced options such as the removal of meta information, unproportional resizing, customizable Jpg compression level, sorting and much more are comfortably set up.
Main Features
- Modify batches of images with just a few mouse-clicks
- Load and save images in the common Jpg, Png, Bmp formats
- Resize, realign, change format, set watermark, rename etc.
- Advanced options: Sort, resize unproportional, remove meta information, filter images, change file date, set Jpg compression level
- Multilingual:
- Portable: Just one executable, no need for installation
- Completely free of charge!